Chinese press

2 Stories

Companies Pay Up for News Coverage in China

Business fork over thousands for positive pieces

(Newser) - If you're looking for some positive news coverage in China, open your wallet. Chinese media outlets routinely sell coverage, charging thousands of dollars for flattering interviews, puff pieces, or even quick shots of a CEO in a crowd, the New York Times reports. Officially, the practice is illegal in...

Chinese Press Cautiously Approves of Huntsman
Chinese Press Cautiously Approves of Huntsman

Chinese Press Cautiously Approves of Huntsman

He's 'no panda-hugger,' but he does speak Chinese

(Newser) - After President Obama nominated Utah’s Republican Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr as his ambassador to China, New Yorker correspondent Evan Osnos takes the pulse of the Chinese press. He found three matters of note:
  • The press approved Obama’s personal announcement of Huntsman’s new post: It shows Obama takes

2 Stories