investor confidence

5 Stories

Mitt Romney Thinks He's the Confidence Fairy
 Mitt Romney 
 Thinks He's the 
 Confidence Fairy 

paul krugman

Mitt Romney Thinks He's the Confidence Fairy

Believes his mere election will fix economy: Paul Krugman

(Newser) - Paul Krugman has long derided the " confidence fairy ": a notion that government cuts will somehow spark more consumers and investors to buy. We're seeing another version of that fairy now, after learning that Mitt Romney, at his infamous "47%" fundraiser, also claimed that his election would...

Early Facebook Investors Want Out

A group, including employees, looks to dump shares

(Newser) - In a sign of increasing wariness among Facebook's earliest investors, a group of shareholders is looking to dump $1 billion worth of shares in the social networking company. The sale would value Facebook at more than $70 billion, five sources tell Reuters . The group, which includes Facebook employees, tried...

As Crises Spread, Europe Scrambles for an Answer
As Crises Spread, Europe Scrambles for an Answer

As Crises Spread, Europe Scrambles for an Answer

Even healthier countries now feeling pinch

(Newser) - Financial crises in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal have stoked fears for Italy, Belgium, and the more robust Germany as Europe struggles to find a solution, the New York Times reports. Worry that Germany may have to pay the brunt of bailout costs have prompted the sale of its debt; investor...

Secret to Recovery: Optimism
 Secret to 

Secret to Recovery: Optimism

Obama, Boehner must promote American confidence

(Newser) - There’s a big economic problem that’s been keeping a low profile: American confidence, writes David Smick in the Washington Post . “Between $2.5 trillion and $4 trillion of private capital is waiting on the sidelines to ‘reliquify’ a new era of American confidence and innovation,”...

Housing Data Put Dow Off 29
 Housing Data Put Dow Off 29 

Housing Data Put Dow Off 29

(Newser) - Yesterday’s housing-fueled rally didn’t carry over into today’s session, the Wall Street Journal reports, in part because of poor indicators from that same industry. April saw a 12.8% reduction in buildings starting construction; Home Depot dropped 5%. Still, a metric of investor anxiety today fell to...

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