Bad Mother

2 Stories

Mom Panicked Over Losing Baby Is Held in Her Murder

'She thought the world of her,' says neighbor

(Newser) - A young British mom terrified that she was about to lose her baby girl is being held in her daughter's murder. Police found Sonia Bellfield, 29, covered in blood and the corpse of her 2-year-old daughter, Jasmine, nearby. Neighbors believe the mom, who suffers from serious mental problems, "flipped"...

Moms Deserve a Break Today
Moms Deserve
a Break Today

Moms Deserve a Break Today

Think before offering 'constructive criticism,' then ... keep it to yourself: Warner

(Newser) - The maternal resentment has evidently been building up for a while, and New York Times blogger Judith Warner is letting loose. She recounts slights perpetrated against her and her friends and wonders: "Why do people so often permit themselves to dump—verbally, emotionally, with a surgically precise ability...

2 Stories