Gertrude Stein

2 Stories

Lesbians Booted From Gertrude Stein Exhibit

San Francisco museum guard orders them to stop holding hands

(Newser) - The irony was apparently lost on a museum guard who ejected two lesbians from a San Francisco exhibit on Gertrude Stein for holding hands. "We are not leaving and we want to talk to somebody in authority right now," the couple told the guard after they were informed...

Tap Literary Greatness at These Getaways

(Newser) - Looking to vacation in a spot that inspired your favorite novel? USA Today asks travel expert Melissa Biggs Bradley about the best hotels to connect physically with the literature.
  • The Resort at Paws Up, Greenough, Mont.: "The Blackfoot River, which runs through this 37,000-acre ranch, is the river

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