welfare state

6 Stories

'Leviathan State' Won't Solve Your Problems

Charles Krauthammer slams Obama's love for infrastructure

(Newser) - Can we thank government for our best opportunities? President Obama seems to think so, but Charles Krauthammer isn't buying it: Yes, government builds roads and pays teachers, but "to say that all individuals are embedded in and the product of society is banal," he writes in the...

Paul Krugman: Failing Euro Proves Little
 Hey Ideologues: 
 Failing Euro 
 Proves Little 
paul krugman

Hey Ideologues: Failing Euro Proves Little

No call for austerity measures in US: Krugman

(Newser) - As the euro struggles to survive, “ideologues” are using the failing currency as political ammunition. They say it proves welfare states don’t work, and that the US needs “immediate fiscal austerity.” But they’re jumping to false conclusions, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times...

Democrats Are Out of Gas
 Democrats Are Out of Gas 

Democrats Are Out of Gas

Party 'lacks vigor now that welfare state is complete'

(Newser) - The Democrats' passage of health care reform felt like a family reunion where you saw "the whole panoply of what you loved and found annoying about these people" to David Brooks. President Obama and Nancy Pelosi deserve posterity "for sheer resilience," he writes, but as the last...

Let Entrepreneurs, Not Uncle Sam Create Jobs

Obama jobs plan will turn the US into France

(Newser) - President Obama paid lip service to America's spirit of entrepreneurship in his jobs proposals this week, but his policies will turn the US into France instead of a 21st century rival to Asia, warns Daniel Henninger. Entrepreneurship involves some people getting extremely rich, and that's something the Democrats just don't...

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear
Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

Reform's Biggest Hurdle: White America's Fear

(Newser) - The hallmark diversity of the United States is the biggest obstacle to a “federal social insurance system”—health care included, writes Michael Lind on Slate. The greatest strides toward a European-style safety net were made between World War I and the 1970s “when the foreign-born percentage of...

Happy Denmark Bucks Fate of Ex-World Powers

Former conquerors quite happy with perfect welfare state

(Newser) - Denmark has bucked the trend of former world powers—“expand, overreach, then decay, their martial spirit dimmed, their peoples left to recount old glories and wonder at times past,” Denny Woodkin writes on Splice Today. Instead of muttering about what could have been, the Danes have developed “...

6 Stories
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