
2 Stories

Woman Burned by Flaming Rocks Undergoes Surgery

Lyn Hiner describes ordeal with phosphorous stones

(Newser) - A California woman has undergone two painful skin-graft surgeries after rocks she found on a beach caught fire in her pocket, the Los Angeles Times reports. "We know bad things happen to many people," said the victim, Lyn Hiner. "I'm thankful God carried us through this....

Pick Your Poison: Swine Flu or Hand Sanitizer

Recent H1N1-inspired flood of alcohol-based products into schools are also flammable

(Newser) - Schools are loading up on hand sanitizer in an effort to fight swine flu—but the alcohol-based panacea has problems of its own, the Chicago Tribune reports. Bottles and dispensers of the stuff are ubiquitous in classrooms, and officials have belatedly realized the dangers of its 65% alcohol content. “...

2 Stories