
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Experts to NC: If You Fish for Sharks, They Will Come

Bait and chum used to catch sharks may be attracting them to shoreline

(Newser) - Six people have been attacked by sharks over the past few weeks off the North Carolina coast, including two this weekend , and while local officials are spinning their wheels to figure out why the numbers have been so high this summer, some experts think they may have it figured out....

Ex-NFL Player Swims 9 Miles for His Life

Rob Konrad says he fell off his fishing boat near Florida Coast

(Newser) - Imagine falling off a boat and swimming through dark, shark-infested waters for more than ten hours in search of dry land. That's what happened to former Miami Dolphins fullback Rob Konrad, who police say was fishing off the South Florida coast Wednesday when he fell off his auto-piloted boat...

Mediterranean Anchovies Thriving ... in Britain

British waters are getting a lot warmer

(Newser) - A man fishing off a pier on Britain's east coast was surprised to haul in something he hadn't caught before in 40 years of fishing—a Mediterranean anchovy. "The water has been unusually clear, and we noticed the fish in good numbers in the shade below the...

Mako Caught Off Florida May Be World Record

Cousins say shark weighed 805 pounds

(Newser) - Two Florida cousins say they caught an 805-pound mako shark off the coast of Florida last week—and they'll also have a world record if the number is verified, reports the Pensacola News Journal . Earnie and Joey Polk say they hooked the 11-footer from land on an undisclosed Gulf...

Palin: Take Fish Pics, Not Selfies

Selfies with fish are apparently OK

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, weighing in on social media trends while plugging her new TV show, Amazing America, believes people are taking too many photos of themselves that don't involve fish, Politico reports. "I think this world would be better off having more young women holding a fish in their...

'Extinct' Shark Found —at Fish Market

Smoothtooth blacktip is alive and apparently tasty

(Newser) - The smoothtooth blacktip shark isn't quite as extinct as scientists had believed it to be, say researchers who found one for sale in a Kuwait fish market. Further research in the region turned up another 47 specimens of the shark, though the only one previously known to scientists was...

Putin Catches &#39;46-Pound Fish&#39;
 Putin Catches '46-Pound Fish' 

Putin Catches '46-Pound Fish'

'I will bite her myself' he says

(Newser) - How's this for a fish story: In the latest episode of Vladimir Putin's ongoing rugged outdoorsman fantasy adventure series, the Russian president, clad in a camouflage jacket and hat, appears to catch a massive pike. "Vladimir Vladimirovich, be careful, she can bite," an aide warns, as...

Man Swims 5 Hours, Rescues Family

Swam 3 miles in bid to get help

(Newser) - Maryland can claim a new hero: John Riggs swam five hours in rough waters in a bid to save his family members, who were clinging to their capsized fishing boat two miles offshore in the darkness of Tuesday night. Riggs swam three miles, stopping only to rest on a buoy,...

Slaves May Be Catching the Fish You Eat: Report

15 Burmese workers beaten, forced to work for Thai crew

(Newser) - A new report by UK activists points to slave labor in the Thai fishing industry—whose biggest buyer happens to be the US. The Environmental Justice Foundation report , published Wednesday, cites a case of slave labor in which 15 Burmese people, paid little or nothing, were allegedly beaten and forced...

Move to Save Fishing Industry Could Kill It

Cod fishermen say slashed Gulf of Maine quotas will spell doom

(Newser) - Faced with dangerously declining cod stocks, New England fisheries officials voted yesterday to massively cut cod quotas—down 77% from last year's catch for the next three years in the Gulf of Maine, and by 61% for the next year in Georges Bank, near Cape Cod, reports the New ...

Good Samaritan Helps Man Twice, 8 Years Apart

Gerald Gronowski got help with fish hook first time around

(Newser) - An Ohio man is thankful for the intervention of a Good Samaritan—the same one who helped him once before, eight years ago. Gerald Gronowski had a flat tire east of Cleveland recently when a man named Christopher Manacci stopped to help. During the encounter, Gronowski began talking about another...

Fukushima Fish Go on Sale

 Fukushima Fish Go on Sale 

Fukushima Fish Go on Sale

Octopus, marine snails tested negative for radiation

(Newser) - Today you can buy fish caught off Japan's Fukushima coastline for the first time since the disaster at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant last year, although you're stuck with octopus or whelk, a type of marine snail. Testing showed no detectable radiation, but radiation fears are still keeping...

World's Oldest Fish Trap Found Near Sweden

Fish-catching baskets are thought to be 9K years old

(Newser) - Marine archaeologists have discovered fishing traps they think were constructed around 9,000 years ago. "This is the world's oldest find when it comes to fishing," says one expert. The researchers found the remnants of seven wooden traps on the Baltic Sea bed off Sweden, reports the...

$10K Fish Swimming in Chesapeake Bay

Striped bass is a prize in the Maryland Fishing Challenge

(Newser) - There's never been a better time to cast a fishing line into the Chesapeake Bay. You just might reel in a striped bass worth $10,000. The fish's name is Diamond Jim, and he's a prize in the Maryland Fishing Challenge, reports the Washington Post . The prize...

Texan Survives 30 Hours at Sea, Loses Best Pal
Texan Survives 30 Hours at Sea, Loses Best Pal

Texan Survives 30 Hours at Sea, Loses Best Pal

And in Panama, castaway returns home after 28 days adrift

(Newser) - A Texas man is mourning the best friend he had to abandon in the Gulf of Mexico to save his own life. After their boat sank on a fishing trip, ex-Marines Ken Henderson and Ed Coen spent more than 30 hours treading water and drifting with their life jackets tied...

Feds Seize 881-Pound Bluefin Tuna

Fishing boat accidentally caught it in net, which is illegal

(Newser) - A Massachusetts fisherman nearly caught a fortune in the form of an 881-pound bluefin tuna, but it's now the property of the US government. A fishing boat owned by Carlos Rafael snagged the massive fish inadvertently in its trawling net, reports the Standard-Times of New Bedford. It could have...

Angler Reels In Scuba Diver
 Angler Reels In Scuba Diver 

Angler Reels In Scuba Diver

Only injury was to frogman's pride

(Newser) - After feeling a huge tug on his line, English angler John Goldfinch fought long and hard to reel in a very rare catch—a scuba diver. The hapless diver, hooked through the crotch of his suit, surfaced some 50 feet offshore. "His girlfriend then surfaced, helped him remove my...

In Texas, Your Fish Tale Could Soon Be Illegal

If you're telling it to win a tournament, that is

(Newser) - Who doesn't love a good fish story? Apparently the Texas state Senate—at least when it comes to fishing tournaments. The Senate unanimously passed a bill that would make it illegal to lie about the size, weight, or provenance of a fish caught during a tournament, the New York ...

Fish Stocks Are Plentiful, So Don't Feel Guilty About Digging In: Aquatics Professor Ray Hilborn
 Fish Stocks 
 Are Fine, 
 So Dig In 

Fish Stocks Are Fine, So Dig In

Reports of overfished oceans are exaggerated: Aquatics professor

(Newser) - The last few years have seen lots of gloom-and-doom scenarios about how the world is running out of fish . Don't believe it, writes aquatics professor Ray Hilborn in the New York Times . Flawed studies produced those results. In reality, "fish stocks worldwide appear to be stable, and in...

Be a Good American: Eat This Fish

The lionfish may ruin us if you don't!

(Newser) - How to make Uncle Sam proud: Buy American, fly a flag, eat...lionfish? That third one is, indeed, what one government agency would like you to do. The voracious, aggressively invasive lionfish is wreaking havoc in the Caribbean, off the Florida Keys, and along the Atlantic as far north as...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>