Obama approval ratings

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Okay, GOP, Now the Bad News...
 Okay, GOP, Now the Bad News... 

Okay, GOP, Now the Bad News...

Voters still don't like you, and you're broke

(Newser) - Put away the champagne, conservatives. Scott Brown’s win was certainly positive, but party insiders still see many obstacles between the GOP and a congressional takeover. One biggie: money. In the House, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has $15 million in the bank, four times the war chest of its...

At Least Michelle's Still Popular
 At Least Michelle's 
 Still Popular 
Poll Numbers

At Least Michelle's Still Popular

First lady's approval rating soars over her husband's

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval ratings are sinking, but Michelle Obama’s remain sky-high, with 71% of the country holding a favorable opinion of her. Only 16% of respondents in a new Pew Research survey held a negative view of the first lady. That puts her well above Hillary Clinton and...

Obama, Give Us Something to Cheer About
Obama, Give Us Something to Cheer About
Eugene Robinson

Obama, Give Us Something to Cheer About

Prez right not to panic, but needs to hurdle the vast enthusiasm gap

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s 50% approval rating is the worst first-year score of any postwar president save Ronald Reagan, but things worked out pretty well for the Gipper, so the White House isn’t panicking. “But serenity isn’t the same as complacency,” warns Eugene Robinson in the Washington ...

What Americans Really Think About Obama

Poll analysis divides Americans into five sharply divided groups

(Newser) - Since his inauguration, Barack Obama’s approval rating has plummeted from 67% to just 50%. But to add some nuance to the numbers USA Today broke respondents down into five profiles. They are:
  • Sunny Side Up (33%): This diverse, optimistic group overwhelmingly believes the economy will improve, and gives Obama

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez
 Hanging Up Prez 

Disturbing Disconnect Hanging Up Prez

Obama needs to learn to listen, writes Peggy Noonan

(Newser) - A year into his presidency, President Obama isn't reading from the same page as the American people and may not even be reading from the same book, writes Peggy Noonan. A president needs to have a "deep and shrewd sense of the people," but Obama seems blind to...

'Supernova' Obama Risks Flameout
 'Supernova' Obama 
 Risks Flameout 

'Supernova' Obama Risks Flameout

President shines bright, but supernovas don't last

(Newser) - President Obama has shone like a supernova, but supernovas, by definition, don’t shine brightly for very long. Obama is definitely a star, “the first real king of all media,” writes Daniel Henninger for the Wall Street Journal . “Nobody says ‘Barack Obama’ anymore. He’s jut...

Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year
Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

... and shoulders will get colder as mid-terms near

(Newser) - President Obama’s support among his fellow Democrats—yep, looking at you, Howard Dean —is in a steeper dive than his opinion-poll numbers, and reminds David Broder of the last months of George W. Bush’s administration. But that was 7 years in for Republicans, he writes in the...

B+? Obama Must Be Joking
 B+? Obama 
 Must Be 

B+? Obama Must Be Joking

Prez deserves his failing grade from the public, writes Karl Rove

(Newser) - President Obama has the lowest approval ratings of any postwar president at the end of year one, and he's done plenty to earn them, writes Karl Rove. Poor policies at home and abroad have helped send his ratings downward, as has the increasingly blatant slipperiness of the president's words. These...

Obama Approval Slumps Below 50%

Widespread pessimism means worrying poll numbers for Dems

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating held steady for most of this troubled year but it has now slumped below 50% for the first time in a Wall Street Journal / NBC poll. His approval rating now stands at 47%, with 55% of respondents believing the country is heading in the wrong...

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