critical literature

2 Stories

Anti-Novel Manifesto Reads Like 'Hokey' Fiction
Anti-Novel Manifesto Reads Like 'Hokey' Fiction

Anti-Novel Manifesto Reads Like 'Hokey' Fiction

David Shields' hypocritical book is dependent on plot

(Newser) - The subtitle of David Shields’ Reality Hunger—an anti-novel, anti-plot screed that celebrates reality in all its forms—is A Manifesto, which automatically makes it less about “reality” and more about creating a stir, writes Laura Miller. Even as he rails against the outdated novel, Shields is creating a...

New Lebowski Tome Worthy of the Dude
 New Lebowski Tome 
 Worthy of the Dude 
book review

New Lebowski Tome Worthy of the Dude

It's a little late, but the essays by college scholars come through

(Newser) - The Coen Brothers’ 1998 cult classic The Big Lebowski has a growing body of critical literature to support it, though like the Dude, it moves at an abiding pace. Out now is The Year’s Work in Lebowski Studies, a collection of papers from the Lebowski Fest in Louisville—in...

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