Ronald Reagan

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Republicans Brace for Brokered Convention

Leaders dusting off rule books, readying for big fight

(Newser) - For much of American history, brokered conventions were the norm, but the two big parties have not had one since Democrats chose Adlai Stevenson in 1952. The Republicans' last brokered convention was 1948 when they picked Thomas Dewey (Gerald Ford beat Ronald Reagan on the first ballot in 1976). But...

Newt Privately Groused About Reagan: Records

Little-explored documents reveal other choice tidbits

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich likes to compare himself to Ronald Reagan , but little-noticed documents from his decades in government reveal choice tidbits from Gingrich like this one: "Really, Reaganomics has failed." The thousands of documents were compiled by a Gingrich aide, archived at a university, and recently examined by the...

Which Path for Obama— Reagan or Bush the Elder?

Economy could propel him to re-election, or doom him

(Newser) - The better-than-expected jobs report yesterday lifts President Obama's chances of re-election, but the Wall Street Journal points out that he's going to need more good news if history is any guide. It could go one of two ways, a la Ronald Reagan or George HW Bush. At the...

Newt Gingrich Is No Reagan

 Newt Gingrich Is No Reagan 
Peggy Noonan

Newt Gingrich Is No Reagan

Peggy Noonan says there's a 'wound' in the Republican party

(Newser) - Republicans are in the midst of "the most volatile and tumultuous presidential primary race of our lifetimes," and it's exposed an "age-old split between the grassroots and the perceived GOP establishment," writes Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal . "Actually, it's more a...

Republican Presidential Candidates Lack Humor: John Dickerson
 Today's GOP: 
 Painfully Unfunny 

Today's GOP: Painfully Unfunny

Republican presidential candidates lack humor: John Dickerson

(Newser) - Amazing how unfunny this year's Republican candidates are. US political history is brimming with great lines, but today the GOP contenders "give speech after speech and draw only a handful of chuckles, and the occasional wry smile," writes John Dickerson in Slate . So what gives? You may...

Long Live the Chief: Presidents Usually Do

Longevity expert debunks myth that White House duty shortens life

(Newser) - President Obama's graying hair has set off the typical chatter that serving as president is so stressful it's bound to take years off a person's life. Not so, says a longevity expert in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In fact, our presidents tend to live...

Reagan Shooter Seeks More Time on the Outside

'Convalescent leave' could get John Hinckley out full time

(Newser) - Ronald Reagan shooter John Hinckley is seeking more time outside a mental health facility, and might leave permanently, AP reports. Hinckley was sent to a Washington mental hospital after a jury decided he was insane when he wounded the president and three others in 1982. But he was granted a...

CBS/Vanity Fair Poll: 'Jumped the Shark,' Hillary Clinton for VP, and More

 83% Don't Know 
 What 'Jumped the 
 Shark' Means 
CBS/vanity fair poll

83% Don't Know What 'Jumped the Shark' Means

And 43% want Hillary for VP

(Newser) - The latest 60 Minutes/Vanity Fair poll offers readers a new batch of quirky questions, including whether they’re familiar with the Happy Days-inspired phrase “jumped the shark.” Some 83% of respondents didn’t know it meant a show was past its prime. Among other interesting stats:
  • If Joe

Dems: We'll Win Debt Fight for the Gipper

Gipper 'wouldn't be welcome in modern GOP'

(Newser) - The Democrats, the party that Ronald Reagan ditched in 1962, says that even the Gipper would be on their side in today's debt ceiling debate. Dems are telling Republicans they should follow Reagan's lead in fiscal responsibility, circulating a 1987 radio address in which Reagan slammed brinksmanship and...

Ronald Reagan Statue Debuts in London

Late prez joins FDR and Eisenhower outside US embassy

(Newser) - Ronald Reagan joins Dwight Eisenhower and Franklin Roosevelt in London today—as a 10-foot bronze statue, reports the Independent . Commissioned to mark the 100-year anniversary of Reagan's birth, the unveiling ceremony outside the US embassy at Grosvenor Square will be attended by Condoleezza Rice, British foreign secretary William Hague,...

Aide: Lennon Was Closet Republican

Former Beatle voiced support for Reagan, says last assistant

(Newser) - Hippie icon John Lennon was a secret fan of Ronald Reagan, claims his final personal assistant. Fred Seaman, who worked for the Lennons in the year before the ex-Beatle's death in 1980, says Lennon was embarrassed by his radical past, the Toronto Sun reports. Lennon "made it very...

Gingrich: My Staff Quit Because I'm Too Different

Reagan aides quit during 1980 campaign, Newt notes

(Newser) - Staffers are departing the good ship Gingrich because he's just too different for them, the candidate says. "Philosophically, I am very different from normal politicians, and normal consultants found that very hard to deal with," he told reporters in Atlanta yesterday, Reuters reports. Gingrich, who lost 16...

Thatcher Won't Meet 'Nuts' Palin

'That would belittle Margaret,' source tells Guardian

(Newser) - Margaret Thatcher won't meet with Sarah Palin during the ex-Alaska governor's upcoming trip to England because Palin is "nuts," a source tells the Guardian . Palin intends to stop in England—her first trip ever to Europe—on her way to Sudan next month and had hoped...

Reagan's Daughter Poses Nude at 58

Patti Davis wants to prove working out works

(Newser) - Reagan offspring Patti Davis, once known as “the rebellious First Daughter,” went from a drug-addicted teen—whose “wasted” body was home to “thin and barely visible” muscle—to a healthy, beautiful woman, she writes in More magazine. The transformation began when she got sober and then...

If This Guy Wants a Shutdown, It Must Be Dumb
If This Guy Wants a Shutdown, It Must Be Dumb
dee dee myers

If This Guy Wants a Shutdown, It Must Be Dumb

Reagan crony David Stockman wrong again

(Newser) - How do you know that shutting down the government is an absolutely terrible idea? Because David Stockman is for it, reasons Dee Dee Myers in Vanity Fair . “Bring it on!” declared Stockman, Ronald Reagan’s one-time budget guru, in a Daily Beast interview. “If the Republicans hold...

Secret Service Releases Audio of Reagan Shooting

'Rawhide is OK, follow-up. Rawhide is OK.'

(Newser) - Fascinating listening for history buffs: The Secret Service has released a recording of communication among agents immediately after the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan in 1981. As Marc Ambinder of the National Journal explains, it shows how agents initially declared that "Rawhide is OK," using Reagan's Secret Service...

Happy Presidents Day: Ronald Reagan Was America's Greatest President, Says Gallup Poll
 America's Greatest 
 President Was... 
happy president's day

America's Greatest President Was...

The Gipper, according to a recent poll

(Newser) - It’s Presidents Day, so surely you’re wondering: Who is America’s greatest president? A recent Gallup poll has your answer: Ronald Reagan, according to 19% of respondents. Gallup has asked the same "greatest president" question eight times over the last 12 years, and Reagan has come out...

What People Flub About the Gipper
 What People 
 Flub About 
 the Gipper 

What People Flub About the Gipper

Will Bunch tackles five enduring myths about Ronald Reagan

(Newser) - Today is the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan, so Will Bunch takes the opportunity to clear up five commonly believed myths about the conservative icon in the Washington Post :
  • Reagan was a very popular president. While Reagan scores high marks now, his approval rating in office averaged just 52.8%.

Palin: America on 'Road to Ruin'
 Palin: America on 'Road to Ruin' 

Palin: America on 'Road to Ruin'

Ex-gov kicks off centennial celebration of Ronald Reagan's birth

(Newser) - Sarah Palin thinks the nation's headed to hell in a handbasket, and the only way to save it is to get back in line with Ronald Reagan's policies, she said in a speech last night kicking off centennial celebrations of the Gipper's Feb. 6 birth. "This is insane,"...

Michael Reagan: My Brother Is an 'Embarrassment'

Conservative Reagan son attacks liberal brother for Alzheimer's claim

(Newser) - Ronald Reagan's sons are squabbling, with conservative Michael calling younger, liberal brother Ron "an embarrassment" and asking the public to "pray for my brother." The ruckus comes after Ron speculated in his forthcoming book that the 40th president suffered from the early effects of Alzheimer's while in...

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