Deepwater Horizon

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New Containment Cap Reaches Oil Well
 New Containment Cap 
 Reaches Oil Well 

New Containment Cap Reaches Oil Well

Feds revise deepwater drilling ban

(Newser) - A new containment cap has just moved into position atop the ruptured oil well beneath the site of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, and officials are taking a wait-and-see attitude about the new equipment, MSNBC reports. "Until we have the cap on, securely fitted in place, and know it's operating...

Hopes High for New Cap on Gushing BP Well

New device, support ship could pump out 25K barrels a day

(Newser) - The effort to plug the gushing oil well in the Gulf of Mexico could make significant progress this weekend, as a larger containment cap and its support vessel arrive at the spill site. Coast Guard officials say a window of clear weather over the next few days could provide a...

BP: Spill May Be Fixed as Soon as July 27
  BP: Spill May Be Fixed 
  as Soon as July 27 
just in time for Q2 REport

BP: Spill May Be Fixed as Soon as July 27

New, earlier target date aimed at investors

(Newser) - The relief well that is supposed to finally stanch the oil flow from the Deepwater Horizon may be ready as early as July 27, BP is now telling the Wall Street Journal . That's weeks ahead of the mid-August schedule they’ve discussed until now, and just happens to be the...

US Asks Court to Reinstate Drilling Ban

Feds taking advantage of slow legal pace

(Newser) - Three federal judges will hear the government's plea tomorrow to keep a moratorium on deepwater drilling in place while the case winds its way through the courts. The Obama administration wants to impose the 6-month moratorium in the wake of the BP disaster, but a lower court has deemed that...

Obama Used Bush Drilling Policies He Slammed

Political expediency caused U-turn on offshore drilling

(Newser) - President Obama and his administration have gone from condemning Bush-era offshore drilling policies to embracing them to blaming them for the mess in the Gulf, a Wall Street Journal look at Obama's energy policy finds. The tough talk about environmental protection heard on the campaign trail gave way to support...

Tar Balls Hit Texas Beaches
 Tar Balls Hit Texas Beaches 

Tar Balls Hit Texas Beaches

Spill has now affected every Gulf state

(Newser) - Oil from the BP spill has now reached the shores of every Gulf state. Tar balls from the spill were found over the weekend on a Texas beach 400 miles from the Gulf gusher, AP reports. Authorities—who rapidly dispatched cleanup crews and sent BP the bill—believe the tar...

Methane 'Dead Zones' Spotted in Gulf Spill

Methane release threatening Gulf food chain

(Newser) - There's a lot more than just oil spewing out of BP's busted well and that spells still more trouble for marine life, experts warn. The well is leaking vast amounts of methane and other gases, triggering the growth of microbes and creating oxygen-starved "dead zones," where fish and...

'Whale' Supertanker to Skim Oil in Gulf*

*Er, assuming it works

(Newser) - A massive supertanker is heading for the Gulf, newly outfitted to skim oil out of the water—in theory. The boat, appropriately named A Whale, is 10 stories tall and 372 yards long, making it the largest ship to ever attempt an oil cleanup job. Its owner, Nobu Su, CEO...

Oil Spill Judge Dumped His Energy Stocks

Feldman sold many while hearing case on drilling moratorium

(Newser) - The Louisiana federal judge who struck down a six-month ban on deepwater oil drilling has sold many of his energy investments, a financial disclosure report released yesterday reveals. US District Judge Martin Feldman's disclosure report, which covers investments for 2009, shows he owned eight energy-related investments including stock in Exxon...

Storm Could Stop Spill Cleanup for 2 Weeks

'Top hat' would have to be turned off, releasing 840K extra gallons

(Newser) - A looming hurricane could force workers scrambling to slow or stop the Gulf oil spill back to shore—and release even more oil into the water, the Miami Herald reports. A weather system in the west-central Caribbean has a 70% chance of developing into a tropical cyclone over the weekend....

BP Plans Risky Drilling From Fake Alaska Island

Project not affected by any offshore moratorium

(Newser) - BP awaits final go ahead for its next ambitious drilling project, reports the New York Times, this time just off the Alaskan coast. Although approved as an onshore project, and thus not affected by a moratorium on offshore drilling, the location sits three miles off the coast in the Beaufort...

BP Gets Cap Back on Well After Robot Mishap

Oil was gushing at 104,000 gallons an hour

(Newser) - A cap was back in place on BP's broken oil well after a deep-sea blunder forced crews to temporarily remove what has been the most effective method so far for containing some of the massive Gulf of Mexico spill. Engineers using remote-controlled submarines repositioned the cap late yesterday after it...

BP Response Plan Was Based on Surface Spills

Government models weren't updated for deepwater drilling

(Newser) - BP's response to the Gulf spill was based on outdated government-provided models that were proven wrong by scientists before they were proven wrong by the disaster. The Minerals Management Service predictions—which didn't even address how oil would behave when spilled a mile under the surface—gave very low odds...

Glitch Sends More Oil Gushing Into Gulf

BP has to remove containment cap after robot bumps it

(Newser) - Another BP glitch in the Gulf has sent what appears to be significantly more oil gushing into the ocean. The company had to remove its containment cap today after a robot sub bumped into the venting system, reports NBC . BP hopes to have it back in place later today, but...

Judge Who Blocked Drill Ban Has Gulf Oil Investments

Environmentalists protest 'flagrant conflict of interest'

(Newser) - The Louisiana judge who struck down the Obama administration's six-month ban on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has extensive investments in the oil and gas industry. US District Judge Martin Feldman, a 1983 Reagan appointee, in 2008 reported owning less than $15,000 in stock in Transocean,...

Salazar Plans New Drilling Ban

Moratorium will be back in place 'within days'

(Newser) - Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, hours after a judge blocked the moratorium on deepwater drilling , announced that a new one is on the way. Salazar says he will order a new ban "within days"to ensure there's no repeat of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Reuters reports. "We see clear...

Judge Blocks Drilling Ban; White House Will Appeal

Affected companies oppose 6-month moratorium

(Newser) - The Obama administration may not impose a 6-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, a federal judge in New Orleans ruled today. The White House immediately said it plans to appeal the decision, CNN reports . The Interior Department imposed the ban in the wake of the...

Deepwater Horizon Owner Slams Drilling Ban
 Horizon Owner 
 Slams Drilling Ban
Judge may overrrule obama

Deepwater Horizon Owner Slams Drilling Ban

Industry could get back to work tomorrow, says Transocean boss

(Newser) - The owner of the busted rig spewing oil into the Gulf of Mexico is itching to get back to work. Transocean chief Steven Newman slammed the Obama administration's 6-month moratorium on deepwater drilling at an oil conference today, the AP reports. There are things the administration "could implement today...

BP, Transocean Hire Swarm of Lobbyists

...who swear they're just 'trying to give information to people'

(Newser) - The oil gushing into the Gulf has been black gold for one someone: the lobbyist. BP, Transocean, Halliburton, and many, many other small and large industry players affected by the spill have hired a bevy of lobbyists from both sides of the aisle, reports the Washington Post , which offers an...

Meet Bob Dudley, BP's Tough New Gulf Boss

American Bob Dudley takes over spill management

(Newser) - Now that Tony Hayward has gotten his life back , BP is turning to a yank—Bob Dudley—to salvage its Gulf debacle, and the managing director may actually have had tougher jobs than this one. Dudley made a name for himself by steering BP's Russian consortium through a bizarre political...

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