Amy Carter

2 Stories

24 Years of Limbaugh Apologies

Rush apologizes rarely, and usually without enthusiasm

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh's apology yesterday for calling a law student a "slut" surprised many—after all, he doesn't give out many mea culpas. And even when he does, he doesn't really put a lot of heart into most of them. So BuzzFeed takes a look at Limbaugh'...

Chelsea, Bush Twins: We Have Great First Kids
 Chelsea, Bush Twins: 
 We Have Great First Kids 
Gail Collins

Chelsea, Bush Twins: We Have Great First Kids

Hate their parents if you must, but not their offspring

(Newser) - Gail Collins doesn't want to hear any griping about Chelsea Clinton's wedding. "Let her have her day," she writes at the New York Times . She's "been a national public figure against her will since she was 12, and in all that time she has never embarrassed her...

2 Stories