
Stories 81 - 83 | << Prev 

FAA Questions American's Lightning Safety

Mechanics grumble after airline stops inspections

(Newser) - The FAA is questioning American Airlines' new policy on lightning inspections, and its opener is: Why doesn’t American do them anymore? American recently forbade its mechanics from doing extensive lightning damage checks unless pilots suspected a strike, a move designed to reduce delays and cancellations. Big airlines are typically...

Lightning Strikes Same Man Twice
Strikes Same
Man Twice

Lightning Strikes Same Man Twice

Unlucky double-victim draws 2nd zap on anniversary of 1st

(Newser) - A man celebrated the 27th anniversary of being struck by lightning with a second electrocution from above—and once again lived to tell the tale, the Guardian reports. The 68 year old was hiding from a Pennsylvania storm in a shed when he and four others were shocked by lightning;...

A Strike Against iPods: Lightning
A Strike Against iPods: Lightning

A Strike Against iPods: Lightning

Tempting fate can cause permanent damage

(Newser) - The story of a jogger with Y-shaped burns, a broken jaw, and hearing damage ends in an important moral: Forget your iPod during thunderstorms and try singing in the rain. The metal in earphones—any earphones, not just the chic white buds—can conduct the electric current from a lightning...

Stories 81 - 83 | << Prev