Jon Huntsman 2012

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Show Time: 9 Republicans Face Off
 Romney: Two Rick Perrys  
 on Social Security
gop debate

Romney: Two Rick Perrys on Social Security

And Perry thinks there are two Mitt Romneys on lots of things, too

(Newser) - Republicans got back into debate mode tonight, with Rick Perry and Mitt Romney trading a series of sharp and sometimes sarcastic barbs at one another over Social Security, immigration, and other issues, reports AP . No fewer than nine candidates were on the stage, thanks to the invite extended to former...

And the Winner Is ... Mitt Romney (Mostly)

His steady performance seems to make him the consensus pick over Perry

(Newser) - A consensus is taking shape from last night's GOP debate, and Mitt Romney should be pleased. He won or at least held his own in the eyes of most (but certainly not all). Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post pronounces him the winner for his "slow and steady"...

Republican Debate: Rick Perry Makes His Debate Debut With Fellow GOP Candidates in California
 Perry, Romney Tee Off 
gop debate

Perry, Romney Tee Off

Texas governor makes his presidential debate debut

(Newser) - Rick Perry made his debate debut tonight, and it's clear the new frontrunner is happy to mix it up. He and Mitt Romney went after each other with gusto, notes AP , as evidenced by an early exchange: After Perry criticized Romney's record of creating jobs in Massachusetts, Romney...

Jim DeMint: I'm Sick of Obama's Speeches
 I'm Sick of 


DeMint: I'm Sick of Obama's Speeches

'Grand gestures' don't amount to jobs, says Tea Partier

(Newser) - He's not exactly yelling "You lie!," but count Jim DeMint as less than thrilled about President Obama's jobs speech on Thursday, Politico reports. “I’m so tired of his speeches it’s going to be hard for me to watch,” the South Carolina Tea...

WSJ: Huntsman Tax Plan Shows the Way

His proposal is best of any GOP candidate, says editorial

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman may be languishing in the polls, but his newly released plan to overhaul the tax code and shrink the government is winning high praise from an influential voice—the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal . His "proposal is as impressive as any to date in the...

Jon Huntsman Proposes Vast Tax Overhaul

Plan would hack taxes on rich, effectively raise them on middle class

(Newser) - Languishing in polls, Jon Huntsman veered to the right yesterday, laying out a sweeping economic plan that would scrap a variety of regulations, slash taxes dramatically for the wealthy, and eliminate loopholes. “Our tax code is too complex, our rates are too high, and the tax burden is carried...

Huntsman: I'd Be Bachmann's VP, Not Mitt's

'There'd be too many jokes,' he laughs

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman is stirring the GOP's pot, telling Piers Morgan that he'd be open to running as Michele Bachmann's vice presidential candidate—or as VP to pretty much any GOP candidate, save Mitt Romney. "If you love this country, you serve her," he says in...

Jon Huntsman Goes After Rick Perry in Interview

Says his views on Bernanke, evolution don't sound very presidential

(Newser) - This may have escaped notice the last few weeks, but Jon Huntsman is still running for president. Now he's making noise with an ABC interview —it airs on This Week tomorrow—in which he goes after Rick Perry and others:
  • Perry: Asked about the governor's "treasonous"

Perry: Evolution a 'Theory With Gaps'

Huntsman: 'I believe in evolution ... call me crazy'

(Newser) - Evolution has joined global warming on the list of things Rick Perry is skeptical about. Evolution is "a theory that's out there—and it's got some gaps in it," the Texas governor told a little boy during a campaign stop in New Hampshire yesterday, the Huffington...

Bachmann Wins Ames Straw Poll

Ron Paul finishes second, Pawlenty third; Perry gets 718 write-ins

(Newser) - Rick Perry may have cast a big shadow over the Republican field today, but Michele Bachmann had a pretty good day, too: She won the Ames straw poll, with 4,823 votes of the nearly 17,000 cast, reports Politico . Ron Paul finished a close second (4,671), followed by...

Mitt Romney Unscathed by Iowa Debate
 in Iowa Debate 


Romney Unscathed in Iowa Debate

Front-runner stays above the fray as Minnesotans clash

(Newser) - Last night's GOP debate in Iowa was a testy affair, but Mitt Romney managed to stay above the fray and his front-runner status still isn't in doubt—at least until Rick Perry enters the race, pundits say.
  • "Neither the candidates nor the moderators did much to draw

GOP Candidates Square Off in Iowa

Ames debate much feistier than last go-round

(Newser) - Eight GOP hopefuls castigated President Obama and each other tonight in a frequently testy debate in Ames, Iowa. Tim Pawlenty and Michele Bachmann were especially hostile to each other early, while Mitt Romney largely avoided any one-on-one battles and focused on the president. Overshadowing the debate: News that Rick Perry,...

Mormons Stay Neutral in 2012 Race

While aggressively attacking misinformation

(Newser) - With Mormons Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman in the 2012 presidential hunt, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has decided to sit out the race—aggressively if necessary, the Wall Street Journal reports. “We not only don’t want to cross the line between religion and...

Huntsman's Campaign Manager Quits

A 'retooling' of the campaign, maybe?

(Newser) - This probably doesn't say great things about Jon Huntsman's 2012 race so far: His campaign manager is resigning, the Washington Post reports. A Huntsman adviser didn’t explain the reason for Susie Wiles' departure other than noting “the campaign is moving into phase two, which will be...

Romney Rakes In $18M—and That Worries the GOP

Obama is clobbering Republican candidates in money race

(Newser) - Fundraising reports are starting to trickle in from the GOP presidential field, and the results look great—for Barack Obama. Even Mitt Romney’s vaunted money machine collected only $18 million in the first true quarter of fundraising, a big step back from his 2008 showing, Politico reports. The results...

Romney, Bachmann Leading Iowa Polls

Rest of the GOP field is far behind

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and Michele Bachmann are in a dead heat in Iowa, with 23% and 22% respectively, says a new poll by the Des Moines Register . Herman Cain is third with 10%, and all others candidates are tracking in the single digits. While Romney is a well-known name in Iowa,...

GOP Hopefuls React to Obama War Speech

Pawlenty, Romney hawkish as Huntsman calls for faster withdrawal

(Newser) - The withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan could become a major bone of contention among the GOP's 2012 hopefuls, judging by their differing responses to President Obama's speech outlining the US drawdown.
  • Tim Pawlenty took the most hawkish position, calling the decision to bring all the surge forces

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere
 Jon Huntsman  
 on High Road  
 to Nowhere 
Dana Milbank

Jon Huntsman on High Road to Nowhere

Playing nice doesn't win elections, Dana Milbank warns

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman’s campaign did not get off to an auspicious start yesterday. Before his announcement speech , staffers were passing out materials that misspelled his name (“John” instead of “Jon”), notes Dana Milbank of the Washington Post , and when the actual speech kicked off, all the major...

Who Exactly Is Jon Huntsman?
 Who Exactly Is Jon Huntsman? 
'nyt magazine' profile

Who Exactly Is Jon Huntsman?

'New York Times' delves into the latest 2012 candidate

(Newser) - Jon Huntsman announced today that he’s running for the presidency, but the former Utah governor and ambassador to China is far from a household name. In fact, when his campaign first began, even his aides knew little about him. “I just met him this morning,” Huntsman’s...

Huntsman Makes It Official, Enters 2012 Race

Calls our economy 'totally unacceptable and totally un-American'

(Newser) - And another Republican is officially in: Former US ambassador to China/Utah governor Jon Huntsman today announced that he is running for president. Huntsman joined the race "with a campaign premised on a somewhat radical idea: being nice," write Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake for the Washington Post in...

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