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'I Composed Myself Enough to Shoot Pictures'

AP photographer recounts assassination of Russia's ambassador to Turkey

(Newser) - "I composed myself enough to shoot pictures." So recounts AP photographer Burhan Ozbilici, who was covering a seemingly routine opening of a photo exhibit in Ankara, Turkey, Monday when a man pulled a gun. Ozbilici initially thought it a "theatrical flourish." Quite the contrary: Ozbilici counts...

Tech CEO in Hot Water for Threatening Trump

'Bring it secret service' has indeed brought Secret Service to PacketSled's Matt Harrigan

(Newser) - Passions ran high on election night, but perhaps too much so for the CEO of a San Diego cybersecurity startup. Per the Los Angeles Times , Matt Harrigan of PacketSled put up a now-deleted series of heated comments on Facebook (still visible in apparent screen captures on Reddit ) as the...

Trump Son: David Duke 'Deserves a Bullet'

'These are horrible people,' Eric Trump says

(Newser) - There was no hesitation or ambiguity from Eric Trump Thursday when 630 KHOW Denver host Ross Kaminsky asked him about Senate candidate and former Klansman David Duke: Trump's second son said the "disgusting" Duke "deserves a bullet." Trump agreed when Kaminsky suggested the Louisiana candidate "...

S. Korea: We're Willing to Kill Kim Jong Un

Defense minister delivers blunt comments in parliament

(Newser) - This should calm tensions on the Korean peninsula. Asked in parliament on Wednesday whether South Korea had a plan in place to take out North Korean leader Kim Jong Un should the need arise, the country's defense minister didn't beat around the bush. "Yes, we do have...

Trump Under Fire for &#39;2nd Amendment&#39; Remark
 Trump Under Fire for 
 '2nd Amendment' Remark 

Trump Under Fire for '2nd Amendment' Remark

'Give me a break,' he says

(Newser) - Donald Trump's campaign is once again on damage control, this time over remarks that critics say hinted at Hillary Clinton's assassination . His comment that "Second Amendment people" could "maybe" do something about Clinton picking Supreme Court justices if she wins was widely condemned Tuesday, though he...

Iran's Media Raises $600K for Renewed Rushdie Fatwa

'It will never lose its power,' Iran official says of death edict

(Newser) - Since 1989, Salman Rushdie has had to live a mostly underground life after Iran's then-supreme leader called for his assassination over the novel The Satanic Verses. Now that fatwa, which is occasionally paraded out by the country's religious leaders, has been reupped yet again, and this time 40...

&#39;Eyewitness Painting&#39; of Lincoln&#39;s Death Gets a New Life

 New Faces Revealed 
 in Lincoln Death 
in case you missed it

New Faces Revealed in Lincoln Death Painting

One-of-a-kind work by Carl Bersch is being restored

(Newser) - The sole "eyewitness painting" of Abraham Lincoln's murder is finally being restored—a process that's revealing haunted faces and the figure of a dying president, the Smithsonian reports. Painted by German immigrant Carl Bersch, who happened to be sketching a Union victory parade that night, "Lincoln...

150 Years After Lincoln's Death, His Tomb Takes Modern Hits

16th president's final resting place faces criticism, budget cuts

(Newser) - Caretakers of Abraham Lincoln's tomb, faced with budget cuts and a National Geographic critique that slammed the site as having "all the historical character of an office lobby," are a little on the defensive, even as they commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War president's...

Lock of Lincoln's Hair Sells for $25K

Boastful letter from assassin fetches $30K

(Newser) - A lock of hair taken from Abraham Lincoln's head by Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes soon after the president had been assassinated sold for $25,000 at a Texas auction—$5,000 less than a buyer paid for a letter from assassin John Wilkes Booth. The sale of a...

Hey, Seth Rogen: Assassination Isn't Funny

If US is a 'moral force,' it shouldn't laugh at The Interview : David Rogers

(Newser) - In four days, The Interview pulled in $15 million, Sony Pictures says in a press release. That's in the period through Saturday, during which, Sony says, the film was rented or bought two million times online, reports. But its success so far isn't something to be...

5 Guilty in Russian Journo's 2006 Murder

Anna Politkovskaya's work angered the Kremlin

(Newser) - Five men have been found guilty in the 2006 slaying of 48-year-old Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya , whose investigative reporting criticized President Vladimir Putin, the war in Chechnya, and Chechen leadership. Three of the men are brothers from Chechnya, one of whom has been found guilty of the shooting itself, which...

Man Who Planned to Kill His Way to Obama Gets Death

James McVay killed elderly SD woman, stole her car

(Newser) - A man who murdered an elderly South Dakota woman in what he described as the first step in a plot to kill and steal his way to Washington and assassinate President Obama has been sentenced to death. After walking away from a minimum-security prison unit, James McVay drank alcohol and...

Snowden: US Wants to Kill Me
 Snowden: US Wants to Kill Me 

Snowden: US Wants to Kill Me

But he's not losing sleep over it, he says

(Newser) - Edward Snowden believes top American government officials want him dead—but he still sleeps well at night because he knows he did the right thing. In an interview with a German broadcaster, the NSA leaker said he was aware of "significant threats" to his life, Reuters reports. "These...

Alleged Political Assassins' Trial Starts Without Them

Hague takes up long-awaited case of Rafik Hariri's murder

(Newser) - The Hague's Special Tribunal on Lebanon today began the trial of four people accused of assassinating Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, in what the BBC is calling an "unprecedented tribunal"—in part because the accused aren't there. It's the first time the Hague has tried...

Libya Sees First High-Profile Assassination in Years

Deputy Cabinet minister killed while driving home from shopping

(Newser) - Since Moammar Gadhafi was ousted more than two years ago, assassinations have taken the lives of low-level government employees, activists, clerics, and security officials—but, as of two days ago, no top government officials. That ended Saturday, when Libyan Deputy Minister of Industry Hassan Drouai was shot numerous times as...

Top Hezbollah Commander Assassinated

Hassan al-Laqis shot outside his home in Beirut

(Newser) - Gunmen assassinated a senior Hezbollah commander outside his home today in southern Beirut, a major breach of the Shiite militant group's security as it struggles to maintain multiple fronts while it fights alongside President Bashar al-Assad's forces in Syria. The overnight shooting of Hassan al-Laqis, described as a...

Inside One Man's Attempt to Crowdfund Assassination

'Kuwabatake Sanjuro' thinks bitcoin site can wipe out all governments

(Newser) - Ben Bernanke has an almost $75,000 price on his head, placed there by anonymous malcontents online. He's the biggest—but far from the only—target on Assassination Market, a "dark web" site that lets users nominate targets and contribute money to the cause using theoretically untraceable bitcoins....

Iran Cyber Chief Dead: Assassination or Not?

Revolutionary Guard denies reports of targeted killing

(Newser) - This much is clear: The head of Iran's "cyber war" computer defenses is dead. But how it happened is still a mystery. The Telegraph reports that Mojtaba Ahmadi was found shot to death in the woods, and it quotes a local police official as saying two men on...

Prosecutor in Benazir Bhutto Murder Slain

Chaudhry Zulfiqar shot on way to court

(Newser) - The prosecutor working the case of Benazir Bhutto's assassination has been shot and killed in Pakistan. Chaudhry Zulfiqar was attacked en route to a hearing in the death of the former leader—a case that remains without a conviction. Motorcycle-riding gunmen opened fire on the car carrying Zulfiqar, who...

New Videos Released of MLK Killer James Earl Ray

Shelby County office in Tennessee makes them public

(Newser) - History buffs, take note. The Shelby County Register's office in Tennessee has released several restored videos of James Earl Ray after his arrest for the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. No bombshells are in the mix, but one shows Ray being read his rights aboard a plane back...

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