
Read recent news stories and current events about Russia on

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GOP Lawmaker Takes Step Toward Killing Mueller Probe

Rep. Ron DeSantis suggests investigation is a 'fishing expedition'

(Newser) - A Florida Republican is looking to halt funding for Robert Mueller's special investigation into ties between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia and bar review of all matters before Trump's campaign kicked off. The amendment put forth by Rep. Ron DeSantis would block Mueller from investigating "...

Odd Question Raised by Email: Did Ivanka Sit in Putin's Chair?

Trump business associated bragged of arranging it

(Newser) - On Monday, the Washington Post reported on the existence of emails between a business associate of Donald Trump and Trump's lawyer back in 2015 that suggested the Trump camp was exploring the idea of building a Trump Tower in Moscow. The Post presented this as a conflict of interest...

Report: Moscow Trump Tower Was Discussed Amid Campaign

Real estate deal apparently fell through, per 'WaPo' report

(Newser) - "Can you believe two guys from Brooklyn are going to elect a president?" That's a paraphrased remark in a November 2015 email from a Russian-born real estate developer to Trump Organization exec Michael Cohen, which the Washington Post reports was part of the business' effort to develop a...

Russian Ambassador Found in Pool Is 4th to Die in 9 Months

Envoy to Sudan found dead in swimming pool

(Newser) - Russian ambassadors are dying at a startling rate: Russian and Sudanese authorities say Mirgayas Shirinsky was found dead at his Khartoum residence on Wednesday, making him the fourth Russian envoy to die overseas since December. Authorities say the 63-year-old was found in the residence's swimming pool after suffering an...

US Hits North Korea on Coal, Oil, and ... Statues
US Hits North Korea
on Coal, Oil, and ... Statues
the rundown

US Hits North Korea on Coal, Oil, and ... Statues

New sanctions penalize Chinese and Russian firms for dealing with Pyongyang

(Newser) - The Treasury Department applied new sanctions Tuesday intended to squeeze North Korea even tighter. The sanctions were mostly against Chinese and Russian companies and individuals that the US accuses of conducting illegal business with Pyongyang and thus helping its nuclear weapons program, reports the Washington Post . The big hits were...

Trump Aide Repeatedly Tried to Arrange Russia Meetings: Report

Senior officials were hesitant: WaPo

(Newser) - Snippets of some 20,000 Trump campaign emails handed over to congressional investigators reveal repeated efforts by Russian officials to arrange meetings between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Washington Post reports. In a half dozen emails sent between March and September 2016, a Trump foreign policy adviser...

Manafort Drops His Legal Team
Manafort Drops His Legal Team

Manafort Drops His Legal Team

Raid was 'tough stuff,' Trump says

(Newser) - President Trump's embattled former campaign chairman has hired a new legal team as the pressure from Robert Mueller's Russia investigation increases. Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Paul Manafort, says Manafort has dropped law firm WilmerHale, which had been speaking to investigators on his behalf, and now plans to...

Trump Thanks Putin for Expulsion of US Diplomats

'We're trying to cut down our payroll'

(Newser) - President Trump, perhaps taking the "glass-half-full" approach a little too far, thanked Vladimir Putin Thursday for his decision to expel hundreds of American diplomats in response to new sanctions on Russia. "I want to thank him because we're trying to cut down our payroll, and as far...

Feds Trying New Strategy on Manafort
Feds Trying to Rattle
Manafort in a New Way
the rundown

Feds Trying to Rattle Manafort in a New Way

Politico reports they're putting pressure on his son-in-law

(Newser) - Robert Mueller's Russia investigation jumped back into the headlines Wednesday with news of a pre-dawn raid at the home of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort. Now Politico reports that investigators appear to be trying to rattle Manafort in another way, by approaching his son-in-law in a bid for...

Russian Surveillance Plane Flies Over Trump Golf Course

It soared over DC as part of Open Skies treaty

(Newser) - Wednesday was an unusual day in Washington, DC: Not only was there a giant chicken balloon next to the White House, there was a Russian surveillance plane flying at low altitude through the restricted airspace around the Pentagon, the Capitol, and other DC sites, the Washington Post reports. The Russian...

Pre-Dawn FBI Raid at Manafort's Home Revealed

It took place last month, signaling Robert Mueller's interest in ex-Trump campaign chair

(Newser) - The Virginia home of President Trump's former campaign chairman was raided by FBI agents late last month, sources tell the Washington Post . Paul Manafort had voluntarily met with investigators for the Senate Intelligence Committee on July 25, and the pre-dawn raid—which came with no advance warning—was carried...

Tillerson: We&#39;ll Have Response for Russia by Sept. 1
Had 'Clarifying'
Questions for Russia
the rundown

Tillerson Had 'Clarifying' Questions for Russia

Regarding the expulsion of US diplomats, embassy staff

(Newser) - Mark your calendars: The US will make up its mind by Sept. 1 on how to respond to Russia's expulsion of 755 diplomats , Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Monday. The news followed a meeting between Tillerson and Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in the Philippines, during which Tillerson says...

Putin Goes Shirtless Fishing in Siberia

It's just the latest in Russian president's series of action stunts

(Newser) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has gone spearfishing in southern Siberia's mountains, the latest stunt for the adventure-loving Russian leader, the AP reports. Footage released Saturday by Russian state television stations showed Putin steering an inflatable boat and fishing bare-chested with a rod in a mountain lake, accompanied by Defense...

Mueller Forms Grand Jury in Russia Investigation: Report

Experts say that means the investigation into Trump, others is ramping up

(Newser) - Experts say Robert Mueller's investigation into President Trump, his associates, and Russia shows no sign of wrapping up, with sources telling the Wall Street Journal the special counsel has impaneled a grand jury in Washington DC. Grand juries allow prosecutors to subpoena documents, have witnesses testify under oath, and...

Trump OKs Russian Sanctions, Calls Some 'Unconstitutional'

Congress passed them as retaliation for meddling in the 2016 election

(Newser) - As expected, President Trump signed new Russian sanctions into law on Wednesday—"quietly," reports the Hill . And, it turns out, with loud reservations. Both the House and Senate passed the sanctions by overwhelming, veto-proof margins—517 in favor, just 5 against across both houses—as retaliation for Russian...

Tillerson to N. Korea: We Don't Want Regime Change

'We are not your enemy'

(Newser) - Rex Tillerson says America wants North Korea to know one thing: "We are not your enemy. We are not your threat," he said Tuesday. "But you are presenting an unacceptable threat to us, and we have to respond." The secretary of State said the US hopes...

3 Gang Members Dead in Failed Court Escape

Members of Russia's Grand Theft Auto Gang grabbed guards' guns

(Newser) - It was a dramatic stunt straight out of a movie, but it ended disastrously for members of Russia's notorious Grand Theft Auto Gang. Three of them are dead and two others wounded after a failed escape attempt from a courthouse in Moscow, reports Reuters . In addition to the gang...

US Embassy: Russia Won't Let Us Get Our Stuff From Retreat

Russia says US didn't have permits to bring cargo trucks in to recreational compound

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin is paying back the US for what he says is its "insolence" in approving new sanctions against Russia, kicking American diplomats out of the country by September and shuttering the US Embassy's recreational compound (aka "dacha") just outside Moscow. That payback apparently includes not...

Putin's Verb Choice Caused Confusion on US Retaliation

He used 'pack up,' but that doesn't mean he's expelling 755 Americans

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin's decision to reduce the American diplomatic presence in Russia in the wake of sanctions passed by Congress is raising comparisons to similar tit-for-tat moves during the Cold War in the 1980s. In early coverage, two themes are emerging: Putin miscalculated on his US strategy, at least with...

FBI Agents Imply Cover-Up in Death of Ex-Putin Aide in DC

Authorities say Mikhail Lesin died after falling while drunk

(Newser) - "There isn’t a single person inside the bureau who believes this guy got drunk, fell down, and died," an anonymous FBI agent tells BuzzFeed . Mikhail Lesin, the founder of Russian state-run media RT and a former senior adviser to Vladimir Putin, was found dead in 2015 in...

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>