corn maze

3 Stories

Cops: Mom Left Toddler in Maze, Realized Morning After

3-year-old had already been rescued by the time she called

(Newser) - Family members tell police they didn't notice that a 3-year-old boy was missing when they left a corn maze in Utah on Monday night. Nor did they notice his absence at bedtime, or overnight. Indeed, it was shortly before 8am Tuesday that the mother of the boy finally called...

NY Has Corny Salute to Women's Suffrage

3-acre corn maze honors native Susan B. Anthony

(Newser) - An upstate New York farm is marking the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage in the state in distinctly fall fashion, with a corn maze in the shape of Susan B. Anthony. Stokoe Farms' owner Suzanne Stokoe says she wanted to honor one of Rochester's most famous citizens with...

Couple Get Lost in Corn Maze, Call 911

'I'm really scared. It's dark and we've got a 3-week-old,' says frantic mom

(Newser) - What fun: Halloween corn mazes. Except it wasn't for one zany Massachusetts couple who became so hopelessly lost in the stalks that they called 911 for help. The mom and dad wandered in the maze north of Boston for well over an hour with their infant. As the place...

3 Stories