Challenger Deep

5 Stories

She Made History in Space, and Now in the Ocean

Kathy Sullivan becomes first woman to reach Challenger Deep

(Newser) - On Oct. 11, 1984, astronaut Kathy Sullivan became the first American woman to walk in space. On Sunday, she became the first woman to reach the deepest known point in the ocean—and the first person ever to have both walked in space and been 35,810 feet below the...

Go to Earth's Deepest Spot —for $750K

More people have been to space than to Challenger Deep

(Newser) - If now sounds like a good time to escape to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, with $750,000 you probably can. For that price, explorer and retired naval officer Victor Vescovo will take daring travelers to the deepest point on Earth, Challenger Deep in Mariana Trench, which has been...

Earth's Deepest Spot Is Alive With 'Unexpected' Bacteria

Microscopic bacteria are alive and well in the Mariana Trench's deepest canyon

(Newser) - To the naked eye, life gets scarce the deeper into the ocean one goes. But both the ocean's surfaces and its floors are teeming with microscopic life, and the deepest point of all—the Challenger Deep canyon in the Mariana Trench nearly seven miles below sea level—is home...

James Cameron Reaches Deepest Spot on Planet

Famed director descending into Mariana Trench

(Newser) - Lights, camera, action. Director James Cameron today set off to do what no man has done before—dive to the Mariana Trench and truly explore it—and he's apparently well on his way. The AP confirms that Cameron has descended seven miles into the Pacific Ocean and has reached...

James Cameron Plans Deepest Ocean Dive Ever

'Avatar' director heading into Mariana Trench

(Newser) - James Cameron has already made the two highest-grossing movies ever, and now the Avatar and Titanic director wants to set another record ... under the sea. Later this month, Cameron plans to go almost seven miles down into the Pacific Ocean's Challenger Deep, the world's most inaccessible spot, in...

5 Stories