Nicola Furlong

2 Stories

Black Eyed Peas Dancer Tied to Student Death in Tokyo

James Jamari Blackston is being held for sex assault as probe continues

(Newser) - One of two American men being held after the suspected homicide of an Irish exchange student in Tokyo has reportedly worked as a dancer for the Black Eyed Peas, Chris Brown, and Jennifer Lopez. James Jamari Blackston, 23, and a 19-year-old musician pal were busted after Nicola Furlong, 21, was...

2 Americans Held in Death of Irish Student in Tokyo

Nicola Furlong had apparently met duo at Nicki Minaj show earlier in evening

(Newser) - A pair of unnamed Americans have been arrested by Japanese officials after one of them was found in a Tokyo hotel room with a dying Irish exchange student, reports MSNBC . Nicola Furlong, 21, of County Wexford, died about an hour later in what officials are calling a suspicious death and...

2 Stories