South Korea

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North, South Korea Exchange Warning Shots

South Korea says North Korean merchant ship violated sea boundary

(Newser) - North and South Korea exchanged warning shots Monday along their disputed western sea boundary—a scene of past bloodshed and naval battles—in a development that raises worry of possible clashes after North Korea’s recent barrage of weapons tests. South Korea’s navy broadcast warnings and fired warning shots...

Prepare Now for No More BTS &#39;Til 2025
BTS Is Headed to the Army Now

BTS Is Headed to the Army Now

K-pop stars to fulfill mandatory military service, likely won't reconvene till 2025, reps say

(Newser) - BTS fans knew it was only a matter of time, though they'd crossed their fingers for some kind of last-minute dispensation. On Monday, reps from BigHit Music officially announced that all seven members of the South Korean supergroup have agreed to fulfill their mandatory military service, putting an end...

South Korea Scrambles Fighter Jets After North's Move

North Korea fires ballistic missile, artillery shells, and flies warplanes near border

(Newser) - North Korea early Friday fired a ballistic missile and 170 rounds of artillery shells toward the sea and flew warplanes near the tense border with South Korea, further raising animosities triggered by the North’s recent barrage of weapons tests, the AP reports. The North Korean moves suggest it is...

Missile Crashes During South Korea's Drill With US, Causing Panic

City where it crashed feared North Korean attack

(Newser) - A South Korean ballistic missile malfunctioned and crashed into the ground early Wednesday during a live-fire drill with the United States, panicking confused residents of a coastal city already uneasy over increasingly provocative weapons tests by rival North Korea, the AP reports. The sound of the blast and subsequent fire...

North Korea Sends Missile Over Japan, Into Ocean

Residents in northern prefectures are told to take cover

(Newser) - North Korea fired a ballistic missile over Japan on Tuesday, an escalation from the barrage of tests conducted in the past few days while the US and other nations conduct military drills in the region. In a rare move, Japan told residents in two northern prefectures to seek shelter. It...

Kamala Harris Visits DMZ
Kamala Harris Visits DMZ

Kamala Harris Visits DMZ

She reaffirms US commitment to South Korea after North fires missiles

(Newser) - Vice President Kamala Harris capped her four-day trip to Asia with a stop Thursday at the Demilitarized Zone dividing the Korean Peninsula as she emphasized the "ironclad" US commitment to the security of its Asian allies in the face of an increasingly hostile North Korea. The visit comes on...

S. Korean President Slams US Congress on Hot Mic

Remarks, which went viral, just the latest in 'a string of unforced errors' since Yoon Suk-yeol took office

(Newser) - Tell us how you really feel, Yoon Suk-yeol. The Hindustan Times reports that the South Korean president had a "hot mic moment" on Wednesday, after he'd just left a brief meeting with US President Joe Biden. The two leaders, in New York City for the United Nations General...

South Korean Woman Arrested After Kids' Bodies Found in Suitcases

Authorities have not said whether she is believed to be their mother

(Newser) - A woman was arrested in South Korea on Thursday on two murder charges from New Zealand, where the bodies of two long-dead children were found last month in abandoned suitcases , authorities said. Authorities didn't immediately say if the 42-year-old suspect was the dead children's mother. New Zealand police...

Kim's Sister: 'No One Barters Their Destiny for Corn Cake'

She was criticizing Yoon Suk-yeol's offer of aid in exchange for denuclearization

(Newser) - The sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has come out swinging against South Korea's president Yoon Suk-yeol, whom she calls a "really simple" man who should "shut his mouth." Kim Yo Jong made the comments Friday in rejecting an offer of economic aid in...

Samsung Chief Is Needed at Work, Will Be Pardoned

Lee Jae-yong's pardon is partially symbolic since he was released on parole a year ago

(Newser) - The heir and de-facto leader of Samsung, twice imprisoned for bribing a former president of South Korea, has just received a presidential pardon. Lee Jae-yong's pardon is partially symbolic since he was released on parole a year ago after serving 18 months of a prison term that would have...

Garlic Ad Was Too Sexy for South Korean Farmers

Farmers' groups complained that it 'sexually objectified' garlic

(Newser) - A rural South Korean town is getting roasted over its video ad on garlic that some farmers say stinks of obscenity and has even sexually objectified the agricultural product. The controversy surrounds a 30-second video posted around two years ago on a YouTube channel for Hongseong County, a small town...

South Korea's President Accused of Snubbing Pelosi

He was on 'staycation' when she visited Seoul

(Newser) - The office of South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol says he didn't meet House Speaker Nancy Pelosi after she arrived in Seoul Wednesday night because he was on vacation—in Seoul. Photos of the leader at a theater performance in the capital Wednesday evening went viral Thursday as...

BTS Is Taking a Break. There's More Than Music at Stake

K-pop group's break, which it says is temporary, spurs debate in Korea on conscription, activism

(Newser) - The surprise announcement by BTS last week that they were taking a break to focus on members' solo projects stunned their global fan base, shaking their label's stock price and leaving many questions about the K-pop supergroup's future. HYBE, the company behind the band, denied the group was...

North Korea Apparently Fired Artillery Tests: Seoul

South Korean capital is just 30 miles from border and long-range guns

(Newser) - North Korea test-fired suspected artillery pieces into the sea on Sunday, South Korea's military said, days after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for greater defense capability to cope with outside threats. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement that it detected several flight...

US, South Korea Talk About Expanding Exercises

Biden meets new president, who has urged closer ties

(Newser) - After their presidents met Saturday in Seoul, the US and South Korea announced they might broaden their joint military exercises in the face of North Korea's aggressive nuclear missile program. South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol said the exercises are "key to our combined defense capability" during a...

2 Secret Service Employees Sent Home From Biden's Trip

They were involved in an allegedly drunken altercation with taxi driver in South Korea

(Newser) - It might be another case of Secret Service employees behaving badly overseas : Two have been sent back to the US ahead of President Biden's trip to Asia , reports the AP . The details of what happened were still being investigated, but ABC News reports an agent got into a heated...

Biden Starts Asia Trip With Visit to Computer Chip Plant

He was greeted by South Korea's new leader

(Newser) - President Biden is opening his trip to Asia with a focus on the computer chip shortage that has bedeviled the world economy, touring a Samsung computer chip plant that will serve as a model for a $17 billion semiconductor factory that the Korean electronics company plans to open in Texas....

South Korean Mine May Be Sign of Things to Come

Nation will tap its own tungsten, part of a global push for rare minerals and a green revolution

(Newser) - South Korea is reopening a long-shuttered tungsten mine, one of many examples around the globe of countries scrambling to secure access to the raw materials for a green energy revolution. “Resources have become weapons and strategic assets,” says Lee Dong-seob, VP of Almonty Korea Tungsten Corp, per Reuters...

N. Korea Accused of Continuing Its 'Provocative Streak'

South Korea says its neighbor launched ballistic missile on Saturday, likely from submarine

(Newser) - North Korea flight-tested a ballistic missile that was likely fired from a submarine on Saturday, South Korea's military said, continuing a provocative streak in weapons demonstrations that may culminate with a nuclear test in the coming weeks or months. South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff said the launch...

Activist Resumes Sending Balloons to N. Korea

Park Sang-hak says he sent 1M leaflets over border

(Newser) - A South Korean activist said Thursday he launched a million propaganda leaflets by balloon into North Korea this week, in his first such campaign while standing trial for past leafleting under a contentious new law that criminalizes such actions. The law that took effect in March 2021 and punishes anti-Pyongyang...

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