World Cup

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Should the US Be Faking More Soccer Injuries?

We're among the few teams that avoid the practice: Sam Borden

(Newser) - If you've been watching the World Cup, you've surely seen some players howling in apparent pain; perhaps you caught Frederico Chaves Guedes of Brazil topple downward, wailing, after his shoulder was touched by an opposing player. Such exaggerated "flopping," which draws the ref's attention to...

Hours Ahead of World Cup, Tear Gas

Police, small group of protesters clash in Sao Paulo

(Newser) - Just hours before the first World Cup match was to be played in Sao Paulo, protesters took to the streets in the city shouting "There won't be a Cup." They didn't quite achieve their aim: Live TV images showed Sao Paulo police unleashing tear gas and...

5 World Cup Facts for Non-Soccer Lovers

A primer so you can sound moderately in-the-know

(Newser) - The World Cup begins today. If those five words have your eyes glazing over, hang on—and read on. We've pulled together five things to know about the games (which FIFA calls matches , but which the media refer to interchangeably as games and matches) that'll have you in...

Match-Fixers Targeted Games Ahead of 2010 World Cup

Reports cites payoffs, possible death threat in South Africa

(Newser) - With the next World Cup starting in less than two weeks, a New York Times report reveals extensive efforts to fix matches in the run-up to the last tournament—some of which efforts, it seems, were successful. The Times highlights an investigation by FIFA, the organization in charge of international...

Brazil Cops Advise Tourists: If Robbed, Don't Scream

Police issue pamphlet ahead of World Cup

(Newser) - Muggings are so common on the streets of Brazil these days that police have some advice for tourists coming to next month's World Cup: If someone tries to rob them, they should not "react, scream, or argue," says a new brochure issued in Sao Paulo and noticed...

3rd Worker Dies Building World Cup Stadium

Falls while installing seats; 5 have died at other venues

(Newser) - A worker died after falling at the construction site of the stadium that will host Brazil's World Cup opener in Sao Paulo, a hospital said today. Fabio Hamilton da Cruz, whose age was not immediately disclosed, fell about 26 feet while helping install temporary seats at the Itaquerao stadium,...

US Dumps Mexico in Raucous Win, Heads to World Cup

Yet another victory in Columbus buys ticket to Brazil

(Newser) - The US is going to its seventh straight World Cup after beating archrivals Mexico 2-0 in Columbus, Ohio—the same venue where the Americans won 2-0 in World Cup qualifiers in 2001, 2005, and 2009. Chants from the raucous capacity crowd included "Dos a cero," "This is...

World Cup Anti-Doping Lab Loses License

'Repeated failures' shut down Rio facility 10 months before tournament

(Newser) - The World Anti-Doping Agency today revoked the license of the Rio de Janeiro anti-doping lab that was supposed to handle player samples for the upcoming World Cup. With just 10 months to go before the tournament, the WADA suspended the lab, citing "repeated failures" in its work. The lab...

Soccer Infiltrated by Organized Crime

 Soccer Infiltrated by 
 Organized Crime 
Match-Fixing Probe

Soccer Infiltrated by Organized Crime

Investigation casts doubt on 680 matches

(Newser) - Is soccer completely rigged? You'd be forgiven for thinking that, in light of a Europol investigation released today that identifies 680 matches authorities suspect were fixed for gambling purposes. The alleged culprit: an Asia-based organized crime syndicate. Authorities suspect at least 425 people, including players and both match and...

Lolo Jones Makes US Bobsled Team

Olympic hurdler could head to winter games

(Newser) - From hurdles to ... bobsledding? Yes, Olympian and famous virgin Lolo Jones showed up in Lake Placid three weeks ago, unsure where her first foray into bobsledding could lead. The answer might be another Olympics—only this time, the winter one. Jones, a two-time Olympic hurdler, was one of 24 athletes...

US Soccer Team Sorry for Snubbing Troops

They ignored welcoming party in Guatemala

(Newser) - The US soccer team has apologized for completely ignoring American troops who gathered on the tarmac at an airport in Guatemala to welcome them to the country. The team, headed for a World Cup qualifier, walked straight past the lines of troops without a word. Some of the service members,...

Skier Wins World Cup Race on Single Ski

Kikkan Randall is first US World Cup cross-country skiing champ since 1982

(Newser) - Impressive: Being America's first World Cup champion in cross-country skiing since 1982. Way more impressive: Winning the title after racing on one ski. That's what Kikkan Randall managed to do yesterday in Drammen, Norway. The Anchorage native has been the World Cup sprint leader this season, and managed...

FIFA: World Cup Must Have Beer

Brazilians not allowed to ban booze, soccer chief says

(Newser) - Banning beer at the 2014 World Cup is not an option, FIFA chief Jerome Valcke has warned Brazil. The world soccer kingpin, visiting the country for an inspection tour, says he isn't happy about the state of Brazil's infrastructure, the pace of construction at stadiums and, in particular,...

Special Skier's Underwear Banned at World Cup

It apparently gives athletes an unfair advantage

(Newser) - The newest suspicions of cheating in sports come not from the use of performance enhancing drugs but from the wearing of special underwear. Professional skiers who will compete in the upcoming World Cup in Switzerland were bluntly told by officials they cannot don a "full-bodied, plastic-neoprene hybrid sheath" worn...

N. Koreans Fail Steroids Test, Blame Lightning (Again)

Team says players took natural medicine after big zap

(Newser) - Boy, that was some lightning strike. When North Korea's women's soccer team lost to USA , it blamed the lingering effects of a lightning strike from earlier in the month. Now that five of its players have tested positive for steroids at the World Cup, the team is pulling...

Wambach Again! USA Advances to World Cup Final

US defeats France, will play for title on Sunday

(Newser) - One more win for the World Cup: The US women's soccer team beat France 3-1 today to advance to the finals on Sunday. With the game tied 1-1, Abby Wambach headed in a goal (again! ) to give USA the lead with about 10 minutes left. Alex Morgan made...

North Korea Blames Lightning Strike for Loss to US

Coach says women feeling effects of June 8 zap

(Newser) - The USA women's soccer team started the World Cup with a 2-0 victory today thanks to goals by Lauren Cheney and Rachel Buehler and, er, a lightning strike on June 8. Or so says the North Korean coach, who claims five of his players were hospitalized earlier this month...

Meet the Best Women's Soccer Player in the World

Brazil's Marta is playing in suburban Buffalo

(Newser) - The male stars of soccer are worldwide celebrities, but the top female player is a relative unknown. Marta Vieira da Silva—she goes by Marta—is a 25-year-old Brazilian who plays in the fledgling women's pro league in the US. Her team is the Western New York Flash of...

FIFA Prez Slammed Over World Cup Gay Joke

Sepp Blatter recommends gay football fans not have sex in Qatar

(Newser) - Sepp Blatter will probably think a bit longer before he speaks next time: The FIFA president is being criticized for an ill-advised joke he made while discussing the World Cup in Qatar . Blatter was asked about the potential problems inherent in hosting the competition in the Middle East for the...

Qatar, Russia Picked to Host World Cups

US, Britain lose out in bids for 2018, 2022 tournaments

(Newser) - FIFA shocked the world today by selecting Russia and Qatar to host the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, respectively. The US was widely considered the favorite to host in 2022, reports the AP, while Russia was considered a long shot against England, Spain-Portugal and Belgium-Netherlands. Vladimir Putin, who was heralded...

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