Marie Fleming

2 Stories

Ireland: Paralyzed Woman Can't Get Help to Die

Supreme Court rules against Marie Fleming

(Newser) - Marie Fleming, 59, is in the final stages of multiple sclerosis and is ready for a quiet death at home. Under Irish law, which decriminalized suicide in 1993, Fleming could legally take her own life—but her physical condition will not allow her to do so without assistance. So Fleming...

Paralyzed Woman in Ireland Loses Right-to-Die Case

Marie Fleming, 59, asked court to bend on assisted suicide

(Newser) - A 59-year-old woman in Ireland paralyzed with severe multiple sclerosis has lost her court fight against the nation's ban on assisted suicide, reports the Irish Times . Marie Fleming sought permission to end her life with the help of her partner of 18 years, but Dublin's High Court rejected...

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