
3 Stories

There's a Way to Get Aspartame in Your Diet Pepsi

PepsiCo will keep old recipe for fans while selling sucralose version in stores

(Newser) - PepsiCo announced in April it was dumping aspartame from its Diet Pepsi recipe, replacing it with sucralose, but the company now says it will keep the artificial sweetener for customers who prefer its taste—they'll just have to buy the drink online, the Wall Street Journal reports. In an...

Artificial Sweeteners May Raise Your Blood Sugar
Artificial Sweeteners May
Raise Your Blood Sugar
study says

Artificial Sweeteners May Raise Your Blood Sugar

Study suggests that it's true for at least some people, thanks to gut bacteria

(Newser) - If you're drinking diet soda or consuming other products with artificial sweeteners to cut your risk of obesity and diabetes, a new study published in Nature has some bad news: You might be doing more harm than good. Researchers found that sweeteners such as saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame can...

Next From Coke: Fruit-less 'Fruitwater'

It's made with Splenda, not fruit juice

(Newser) - The brouhaha over our soda problems belies a shifting beverage landscape: Water has grabbed the No. 1 beverage slot from soda, with Americans drinking 58 gallons a year of the former and 44 of the latter, per Beverage Digest via the AP . No wonder, then, that Coca-Cola is hitching its...

3 Stories