NSA leak

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Obama Didn't Know NSA Spied on World Leaders

He 'doesn't sign off on this stuff,' official says

(Newser) - US officials (though unnamed ones) have for the first time owned up to tapping the phones of 35 world leaders—an admission made in the course of issuing a denial: They tell the Wall Street Journal that President Obama had no knowledge of that monitoring until after the Edward Snowden...

NSA Got Its Hands on 35 Leaders' Numbers

2006 memo, compliments of Snowden, doesn't name the affected leaders

(Newser) - The White House may soon have more than Angela Merkel to answer to. Edward Snowden's latest reveal has hit the pages of the Guardian , which alleges that the NSA monitored the calls of 35 unnamed global leaders. Also unnamed in the 2006 document: The US official who provided some...

Snowden: Russia Can't Get Hands on Secret Documents

...because he didn't bring any with him, he tells NYT

(Newser) - In an encrypted email interview with the New York Times , Edward Snowden calms fears that the Russians and Chinese have gotten their hands on classified US documents. He claims "there's a 0% chance" that's happened, and the NSA knows that's the case. Why is he so...

NSA Plays Key Role in Drone Attacks: Report
 NSA Plays Key 
 Role in Drone 
 Attacks: Report 
Snowden latest

NSA Plays Key Role in Drone Attacks: Report

New Snowden documents reveal agency's involvement

(Newser) - The CIA isn't the only government agency deeply involved in drone attacks. NSA tracking of phone calls, emails, and other "signals intelligence" is essential to the program, documents given by Edward Snowden to the Washington Post show. The agency has a special division, the Counter-Terrorism Mission Aligned Cell,...

Greenwald Quits Guardian to Start News Site

Glenn Greenwald says it's a 'dream journalistic opportunity'

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald , the journalist who made the UK's Guardian a must-read in America by breaking major NSA scoops, is leaving the paper for a new media organization. Greenwald says he had not intended to announce his departure just yet, but the news was revealed by BuzzFeed yesterday. "...

CIA Cited Concerns About Snowden 4 Years Ago

But that didn't prevent job as NSA contractor

(Newser) - Back in 2009, Edward Snowden's boss at the CIA reported some concerns about the then-technician in his file. Snowden had been behaving unusually and the supervisor was suspicious, the New York Times reports. Yet those concerns, documented shortly before Snowden left the job, didn't stop Snowden from getting...

Snowden's Dad: Edward May Never Return Home

As he arrives in Russia in hope of visiting his fugitive son

(Newser) - With Edward Snowden's lawyer in tow, dad Lon Snowden arrived in Russia early today in the hope of seeing his fugitive son. "I am his father, I love my son, and I certainly hope I will have an opportunity to see my son," he told Reuters , though...

Navy Gunman, Snowden Checked Out by Same Firm

USIS has been under federal scrutiny

(Newser) - Both Edward Snowden and Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis faced background checks in recent years—and both checks were conducted by the same company. USIS ran a background check on Alexis in 2007 for the Office of Personnel Management, the year he joined the Navy; the company said it wasn'...

Obama's New Hurdle: Ticked-Off Democrats

Opposition has centered on Syria, NSA, Summers

(Newser) - House Republicans haven't made things easy for President Obama—but now, he's facing hurdles within his own party. The New York Times notes that liberals have lately disagreed with Obama on Syria, NSA surveillance, and the consideration of Larry Summers for the Fed chairmanship; they're also unhappy...

Zuckerberg on NSA: 'Government Blew It'

Marissa Mayer also talks government surveillance

(Newser) - Mark Zuckerberg and Marissa Mayer were both asked about the newly revealed NSA surveillance programs at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference yesterday, and neither had anything positive to say, the Guardian reports. "Frankly, I think the government blew it," Zuckerberg said, adding that he believes the government did a...

NSA Can Hack Most Smartphones
 NSA Can Hack 
 Your Smartphone 

NSA Can Hack Your Smartphone

Also, the sky is blue.

(Newser) - More shocking NSA news that shouldn't be shocking to any resident of planet Earth: It turns out that the whiz kids over at the National Security Agency have the capability to access a broad range of data on most smartphones out there, including iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android devices. This...

Brazil to Try Ducking the NSA With New Satellite

Cables, new email platform also intended to bulk up security

(Newser) - Brazil was decidedly displeased when it learned that the NSA had been spying on its president , and it's sparing no expense in its response. The country is installing its own fiber-optic cables for direct-line communications with neighboring governments and urging officials to use a proprietary, secure email client, Reuters...

Judge Scraps Own Ruling on Surveillance Evidence

Feds might have to reveal whether it used controversial NSA programs

(Newser) - A federal judge in a Chicago terrorism case has undone a key ruling saying the government needn't divulge whether its investigation relied on expanded phone and Internet surveillance programs revealed by NSA leaker Edward Snowden. Adel Daoud denies trying to ignite what he thought was a bomb in Chicago....

We Distrust, Spy on Pakistan More Than You Think: Files

Snowden's 'black budget' shows 'no other nation draws as much scrutiny'

(Newser) - Included in the summary of the $52.6 billion "black budget" leaked by Edward Snowden: quite a bit of money spent keeping an eye on Pakistan. Despite the fact that Pakistan is technically a US ally, the documents reveal it is as much a target of US surveillance as...

New Snowden Leak: NSA Hacked Al Jazeera

Accessed and read broadcaster's internal communications system

(Newser) - The latest Snowden document release reveals that the NSA spied on Arab news broadcaster Al Jazeera, hacking into its internal communications system, reports Der Spiegel . A document from 2006 says the NSA's Network Analysis Center accessed and read communication by "interesting targets" at the Qatar-based news network, then...

UK: Greenwald's Partner Had 58K Classified Docs

And officials say they could have endangered agents

(Newser) - Glenn Greenwald's partner, David Miranda, was carrying a file that contained 58,000 "highly classified UK intelligence documents" when agents detained him at a London airport—including some that contained enough information to identify various intelligence staffers, the UK deputy national security adviser alleged today. The files were...

Snowden Reveals Spy Agencies' $53B 'Black Budget'

We spend vast sums, still have critical intelligence gaps

(Newser) - The US has budgeted $52.6 billion on its intelligence operations this year, according to classified documents Edward Snowden leaked to the Washington Post . Yet those operations are, by their own assessment, doing a less-than-spectacular job on a host of critical intelligence questions. Here are some highlights of the Post...

Did New Zealand Use NSA to Spy on Kim Dotcom?

Agency's technology may be used for 'bread-and-butter law enforcement': journalist

(Newser) - New Zealand has previously acknowledged surveillance of Kim Dotcom, the man behind file-sharing site Megaupload—and a new assessment suggests that NSA systems may have helped. The investigation, initially posted by New Zealand journalist Keith Ng and reviewed at Ars Technica , relates to the country's Government Communications Security Bureau,...

Greenwald: UK 'Will Be Sorry' for Detaining Partner

'Guardian' journalist promises to go after UK in his reporting

(Newser) - Well, now the UK has gone and gotten itself on Glenn Greenwald's bad list. The Guardian journalist behind the Edward Snowden-NSA leaks story told reporters that after his partner was detained for nine hours at London's Heathrow airport, he plans to be "far more aggressive" in his...

NSA Broke Privacy Rules 2,776 Times in Year
NSA Broke Privacy Rules
2,776 Times in Year
snowden documents

NSA Broke Privacy Rules 2,776 Times in Year

Washington Post reveals NSA internal audit obtained by Snowden

(Newser) - The Washington Post is today revealing some big news on NSA surveillance—thanks, again, to Edward Snowden. An internal audit and other records handed to the paper by Snowden "earlier this summer" show that when it comes to snooping, the NSA hasn't always been playing by government rules....

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