The Hateful Eight

2 Stories

No One Told Kurt Russell Not to Smash Priceless Antique Guitar

And a museum isn't happy about it

(Newser) - Kurt Russell defeated the Thing , shook the pillars of Heaven and Earth , and escaped from New York . A 140-year-old antique guitar never stood a chance. SSN reports the actor accidentally smashed a priceless 1870s guitar on loan from the Martin Guitar Museum while filming a scene for Quentin Tarantino's...

Tarantino Sues Gawker Over Links to Leaked Script

Well, and over the headline Defamer used

(Newser) - There won't be a movie, but there is a lawsuit. Last week came the news that Quentin Tarantino was so "depressed" and betrayed after his script for The Hateful Eight leaked that he wouldn't make the film "next winter" as intended. Gawker's Defamer blog then...

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