Ben Sasse

10 Stories

Senator Who Wants to Run College Gets Rough Reception

Boos, protests over his record greet Ben Sasse on campus

(Newser) - Update: Questions welcomed Sen. Ben Sasse to the University of Florida on Monday, along with boos and protests. The Nebraska Republican is the only finalist for the job of president and would resign from the Senate if offered it. His visit to Gainesville included separate meetings with students, faculty, and...

Guards Admit To Lying About Night Jeffrey Epstein Died

Tova Noel and Michael Thomas will avoid jail in deal with prosecutors

(Newser) - The two prison guards who were in charge of watching over Jeffrey Epstein the night he died in his Manhattan jail cell have struck a deal with prosecutors that keeps them from serving time. Per the AP , Tova Noel and Michael Thomas were accused of sleeping and browsing the internet...

Republicans Back Home Don't Take 7 Votes Well

Louisiana GOP censures Cassidy

(Newser) - Republican senators who voted to convict former President Trump in his impeachment trial are hearing about it from party officials back home. Sen. Bill Cassidy was promptly censured by Louisiana party leaders, the Hill reports. The state party condemned Cassidy's vote in a tweet , adding, "Fortunately, clearer heads...

GOP Senator Slams Colleague's 'Dangerous Ploy'

Trying to block Biden win is 'playing with fire,' Sasse says

(Newser) - Republican Sen. Josh Hawley plans to challenge election results , forcing a vote when Congress meets to certify them next week—but his colleague Sen. Ben Sasse definitely won't be voting with him. In an open letter to constituents , the Nebraska Republican slams the "dangerous ploy" of attempting to...

Sen. Graham: Here's Why We Fist-Bumped

Graham, who is crying foul over election results, appeared to congratulate Kamala Harris

(Newser) - A TMZ reporter stopped Sen. Lindsey Graham on Wednesday and asked him to explain the "fist bump seen 'round the world"—his greeting to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on the Senate floor. Graham, who is alleging vote-count improprieties, said America shouldn't be surprised to see him...

Sasse Slams Trump on Call: A GOP 'Bloodbath' Is Coming

Neb. senator didn't hold back in chat with constituents: 'I've never been on the Trump train'

(Newser) - Sen. Ben Sasse had a conference call with 17,000 constituents this week, and probably not unexpectedly, the subject of President Trump came up. What may have been unexpected, however, is what the New York Times calls a "dire nine-minute indictment" by the Nebraska senator on the president. In...

Student Returns to China, Goes on Trial for Tweets Sent in US

20-year-old gets 6 months for posts while he was at the University of Minnesota

(Newser) - Stepping up its efforts against criticism of the government by its citizens abroad, as well as those at home, China has sentenced a student to prison over tweets he sent while attending college in the US. Luo Daiqing, 20, was arrested last July in his hometown of Wuhan after he...

Trump Hits NBC Again, but GOP Senator Has a Question

Ben Sasse suggests president is forgetting his oath to defend the 1st Amendment

(Newser) - President Trump isn't relenting in his criticism of NBC. "Sadly, they and others are Fake News, and the public is just beginning to figure it out!" the president tweeted Friday. It was an echo of a tweet Thursday evening in which the president said NBC was "...

This Photo Prompted One of Ted Cruz's Best Jokes Ever

It involves Chuck Schumer, Ben Sasse, and ... male rompers

(Newser) - A caption contest on Twitter this week ended up pulling in Ted Cruz, Chuck Schumer, and a romper for men that's inexplicably all the rage. Mashable reports on a photo tweeted out Thursday by the Washington Free Beacon that showed a somewhat disheveled-looking Schumer chatting with Nebraska Sen. Ben...

GOP's 'Grass Roots' Are Anything But
GOP's 'Grass Roots'
Are Anything But

GOP's 'Grass Roots' Are Anything But

EJ Dionne: Republicans have two establishments now, not just one

(Newser) - Those who align themselves with the Tea Party fancy the phrase "grass roots" to describe their fight with the GOP "establishment." Sorry, writes EJ Dionne in the Washington Post , but it's hard to think "grass roots" when billionaire donors are involved. No, what the GOP...

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