John Cantlie

4 Stories

Hostage Last Seen in Video 2 Years Ago May Be Alive

John Cantlie was kidnapped in 2012

(Newser) - In November 2012, British war photographer John Cantlie and American journalist James Foley were kidnapped in Syria and held by ISIS. In August 2014, Foley was beheaded. Now comes word that the British government believes Cantlie is still alive more than six years later, and still being held by ISIS....

For ISIS Hostages, a Litany of Horror Before Death

Americans, Brits bore brunt of excruciating abuse for months

(Newser) - When James Foley was forced to his knees in the sands outside Raqqa, stared straight into a camera, and met his unimaginably horrifying and public death at the hands of the Islamic State, the world recoiled at the brutality. But Foley's execution—and those that followed—was the culmination...

Father of ISIS Hostage Dies
 Father of ISIS Hostage Dies 

Father of ISIS Hostage Dies

Paul Cantlie had made appeal for release of son John

(Newser) - Paul Cantlie made an impassioned plea from his hospital bed for his son's life earlier this month, but he died not knowing whether it worked. The 80-year-old is dead from complications of pneumonia, reports the BBC . His son, John Cantlie, is a British journalist who has been held captive...

New ISIS Video: UK Journo Vows to Show West 'Truth'

John Cantlie blasts government that 'abandoned' him

(Newser) - ISIS militants have apparently released their latest video, but this one is decidedly different: It features British journalist John Cantlie , a hostage since October 2012, in a three-minute address to the Western public titled "Lend Me Your Ears." Though he's clad in an orange jumpsuit, there are...

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