Nick Offerman

3 Stories

Parks and Rec Delivers Food for the Soul
Parks and Rec
Delivers Food
for the Soul

Parks and Rec Delivers Food for the Soul

Half-hour special was 'perfect for the moment we're in'

(Newser) - Thursday's half-hour Parks and Recreation special was food for the soul, according to critics. Set amid the coronavirus pandemic, the episode sees Amy Poehler's Leslie Knope check in on her friends via Gryzzl, the tech company that had bought up much of Pawnee when we last left it...

Parks and Rec Stars Not Happy NRA Used Amy Poehler GIF

Cast, creator tweet angrily at the NRA

(Newser) - Amy Poehler is no fan of the NRA, so she and her Parks and Recreation colleagues were less than pleased when the organization used a GIF showing Poehler's character from the show. "[T]hank you for being the voice of over 5 Million #NRA members," the NRA's...

Nick Offerman's Genius Ad: 45 Mins. of Silence, Whisky

In the name of his favorite, Lagavulin

(Newser) - It's not your standard ad, but Nick Offerman of Parks and Recreation fame is not your standard pitchman. In a video getting much buzz, Offerman sits by a fire sipping Lagavulin whisky. For 45 minutes. In silence. How's it going over? "Your new favorite Christmas tradition,"...

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