giant hogweed

2 Stories

Teen Ends Up in Burn Unit After Cutting Down 'Weed'

Virginia's Alex Childress suffers severe burns after coming across giant hogweed

(Newser) - The "giant horror plant" that recently popped up in Virginia sent a teen working his summer job to the VCU Medical Center burn unit in Richmond, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Alex Childress, who plans on attending Virginia Tech in the fall, was weed-whacking around Fredericksburg on Tuesday when he...

'Horror Plant' Discovered in Another US State

Giant hogweed, which can cause severe burns and blindness, has spread to Virginia

(Newser) - What ScienceAlert calls a "giant horror plant" has made its way to yet another US state, and people who come in contact with it could feel the pain. Virginia Tech's Massey Herbarium tweeted last week it had IDed a giant hogweed (aka Heracleum mantegazzianum) plant in Clarke County,...

2 Stories