Andrew Cuomo

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Ex-Cuomo Aide: Harassment Started When I First Met Him

Lindsay Boylan says she experienced years of harassment from NY governor

(Newser) - Lindsey Boylan says that even before she began working for a state development agency in New York, people warned her to watch out for Gov. Andrew Cuomo. In an essay posted on Medium Wednesday, she describes the sexual harassment she experienced in the following years, which she says started soon...

Andrew Cuomo's COVID Task Force Is Under Investigation

As criticism of New York governor's handling of coronavirus pandemic mounts

(Newser) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's COVID controversy has erupted into a full-blown probe. The FBI and the US Attorney's Office in Brooklyn are investigating his coronavirus task force, sources tell the Albany Times-Union . The investigation focuses, at least partially, on how the task force handled nursing homes and...

Cuomo: There Was No COVID Cover-Up
Cuomo: There Was No
COVID Cover-Up

Cuomo: There Was No COVID Cover-Up

Says state should have released information on nursing home deaths more quickly

(Newser) - Under fire over his management of the coronavirus' lethal path through New York’s nursing homes, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday the state didn't cover up deaths but should have moved faster to release some information sought by lawmakers, the public, and the press. “All the deaths in...

Cuomo in Hot Seat After Leaked Call on Nursing Home Stats

Aide Melissa DeRosa admitted to Dem lawmakers 'we froze' on divulging accurate numbers

(Newser) - A leaked call has put New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's team in the hot seat, after one of his top aides told Democratic lawmakers that stats for nursing home deaths from COVID were held back to avoid political attacks from the Trump administration. The New York Post first reported...

Report: Top NY Health Officials 'Blindsided' by Cuomo Policies

At least 9 have quit in recent months

(Newser) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Donald Trump frequently clashed over the government response to the pandemic—but one thing they may have shared is a disdain for the advice of experts. The New York Times reports that nine senior officials have left the New York State Health Department in...

One of Nation's Biggest Anti-Eviction Laws Just Passed

New York landlords won't be able to boot most tenants for 2 months

(Newser) - With the governor's executive order barring most evictions due to expire at year's end, the New York Legislature called a special session Monday to pass "one of the most comprehensive anti-eviction laws in the nation," per the New York Times . The bill, which Gov. Andrew Cuomo...

NYC Restaurants Consider a Ban of Their Own

Unhappy about suspension of indoor dining, owners discuss not serving Cuomo or de Blasio

(Newser) - The coronavirus restrictions on restaurants have sparked large demonstrations in New York City, and now a group of restaurant owners is considering a more targeted response. After a ban on indoor dining was reinstated, there's talk in the industry of implementing a ban on Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor...

Maskless Conga Line at Party Puts GOP Club on the Defense

'There's no pandemic clause in the Constitution,' the Whitestone Republican Club posted

(Newser) - Maskless holiday parties with exuberant conga lines aren't exactly de rigueur this year, but that doesn't mean there haven't been any. Per the New York Times , journalist Matt Binder posted a video online Monday that showed members of the Whitestone Republican Club—including club President Vickie Paladino,...

Ex-Cuomo Aide: He 'Sexually Harassed Me for Years'

'There is simply no truth to these claims,' NY governor's rep says of Lindsey Boylan's allegations

(Newser) - A former aide to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo who's now running for Manhattan borough president accused him of sexual harassment in a series of tweets Sunday, saying he made inappropriate comments about her appearance. Lindsey Boylan tweeted that the Democratic governor "sexually harassed me for years. Many...

Cuomo Reinstates City's Indoor Dining Ban

Growing hospitalization rates in New York concern governor, de Blasio

(Newser) - Rising hospitalization and coronavirus positivity rates have triggered a shutdown on indoor dining at New York City restaurants, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday. The ban will take effect Monday, WNBC reports. Mayor Bill de Blasio acknowledged that the suspension of indoor dining will be painful, saying resumption last month brought...

High Court's COVID Ruling Won't Matter: Cuomo

Areas of New York facing restrictions are no longer in 'red zones'

(Newser) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo brushed off his loss at the US Supreme Court on Thursday. The justices' 5-4 ruling temporarily keeps the state from limiting gatherings at religious institutions in areas hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic to 10 people. The decision "is more illustrative of the Supreme...

Secret NYC Wedding Was Attended by Thousands

Williamsburg synagogue to be fined $15K

(Newser) - Some viewers might assume footage of a Hasidic wedding showing thousands of maskless people packed shoulder to shoulder inside a Brooklyn synagogue harkened back to happier times, before the onset of a global pandemic. But they'd be wrong. As the New York Post reports, the footage spreading on social...

Cuomo Is Getting an Emmy. No, the Other One

New York's governor is applauded for his 'masterful use of television'

(Newser) - And the Emmy award goes to ... New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. The International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences announced Friday that it was giving Cuomo an international Emmy for his "masterful use of television to inform and calm people around the world" during the pandemic, the Hill reports....

NY Sheriffs: No Need to Hide Your Cars on Thanksgiving

Many publicly state they won't enforce the state's cap on holiday dinner

(Newser) - If you're a New Yorker who is worried that your Thanksgiving head count could get you in trouble, a number of sheriffs are suggesting you be more concerned about getting the lumps out of your gravy. While the state is currently under an executive order issued by Gov. Andrew...

Trump: When Vaccine Is Ready for US, NY Won't Get It at First

Gov. Andrew Cuomo, NY AG Letitia James push back on president's inflammatory remarks

(Newser) - On Friday, President Trump gave his first public remarks since losing the election to Joe Biden, speaking at the White House about the need for Americans to remain "vigilant" against COVID-19, and how a vaccine would soon be on its way. One statement about the vaccine, however, raised eyebrows,...

New York Tightens COVID Restrictions

Bars, restaurants will have to close at 10pm

(Newser) - Restaurants, bars, and gyms will have to close at 10pm across New York state in the latest effort to curb the spread of the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday. The governor said people will also be barred from hosting private gatherings with more than 10 people, the AP reports....

Cuomo on Trump: 'I Would Have Decked Him'

Says if he wasn't governor, he would have hit Trump over insults to his family

(Newser) - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this week that scientists were "unmuzzled" with President Trump's election loss, per Business Insider . Apparently so, too, was the governor himself. Appearing on the Howard Stern Show Monday, Cuomo opened up about an anti-Italian insult Trump directed at his brother, CNN anchor...

Cops Bust Halloween Party of 400

Brooklyn warehouse party broken up

(Newser) - Police in New York City have charged nine people with the super-genius idea of throwing a Halloween party with some 400 of their closest friends in a Brooklyn warehouse in the era of COVID-19, reports USA Today . Cops shut down the party, which officials had explicitly warned against, early Halloween...

New York State Blocks Wedding 'for 10K People'

And Gov. Cuomo unveils 'micro-cluster' plan for fighting COVID-19

(Newser) - A wedding for 10,000 people, amid the coronavirus pandemic? Yep, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo says that was the plan—and his state is shutting it down, ABC News reports. "We received a suggestion that that was happening," he said Saturday. "We did an investigation and...

NYC's First Lockdown Weekend Yields $150K in Fines

Red zone neighborhoods are concentrated in Brooklyn and Queens

(Newser) - As New York City went back under lockdown amid a resurgence of the coronavirus , the city issued more than $150,000 in fines during the first weekend of the new restrictions, it announced on Twitter . Authorities gave out 62 tickets to people, businesses, and religious gathering places that violated rules...

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