Richard Gephardt

3 Stories

Schwarzenegger Latest in GOP to Back Reform

Calls for health bill this year in opposition to congressional GOP's wish for do-over

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger today became the highest-ranking elected Republican to back President Obama's push for health care reform. California's governor urged lawmakers "on both sides of the political aisle at the national level to move forward." He spoke after New York City's Mike Bloomberg, a Republican-turned-independent, also endorsed reform....

Cupid Lurks on Campaign Trail
Cupid Lurks on Campaign Trail

Cupid Lurks on Campaign Trail

Election fever produces plenty of hook-ups—and even a few marriages

(Newser) - Looking for love on this Valentine's Day? Maybe you should join a presidential campaign, the Christian Science Monitor reports. With the trail drawing energized, like-minded activists, traditionally tame vote-first states are earning new slogans like “what happens in Iowa stays in Iowa.” Indeed, staffers are finding love in...

Edwards Goes All-Out in Courting Labor

Candidate can't count on AFL-CIO but can target individual unions

(Newser) - Even though he can’t expect broad endorsement, John Edwards is pushing hard for labor support, hoping to rack up the backing of a slew of individual unions. The Washington Post reports ahead of tonight’s AFL-CIO-sponsored Democratic forum that union backing is key to the Southerner’s strategy, even...

3 Stories