Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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2 Polls, 2 Significantly Different Results

One major poll puts Trump ahead by 2 points—but electoral college poll gives solid advantage to Clinton

(Newser) - Ever-shifting polls have offered a sometimes-confusing picture of this year's presidential race, with CNN noting Hillary Clinton has taken the lead over Donald Trump more often than not. But a new CNN-ORC poll of 886 registered voters and 786 likely voters, taken between Sept. 1 and Sept. 4,...

Clinton, Trump Enter Home Stretch
Clinton, Trump
Enter Home Stretch

Clinton, Trump Enter Home Stretch

Campaigns had 4 planes at same Ohio airport

(Newser) - Labor Day marks the traditional start of fall campaigning, and it looks like the people of Ohio have two months of being blitzed by Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to look forward to. Both campaigns focused on the state Monday, and at one point, the four planes of the candidates...

Clinton: Trump 'Did Choke' on 'Unfortunate' Mexico Visit

Candidate gives wide-ranging interview to ABC

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton sat down with running mate Tim Kaine and ABC News for a fairly extensive interview, and the former secretary of state wasted little time in disparaging Donald Trump's lone foray into foreign relations, saying that her rival's brief trip to Mexico was "unfortunate. He came...

FBI: Laptop With Clinton Emails Is Missing
FBI: Laptop With
Clinton Emails Is Missing

FBI: Laptop With Clinton Emails Is Missing

She didn't know 'C' stood for 'classified'

(Newser) - Friday was Sept. 2 but it may have felt like Dec. 25 to Hillary Clinton's foes: The FBI released a 47-page report on its investigation into Clinton's use of an email server and there's enough in there to give her critics plenty of ammunition to use between...

FBI Publishes Notes From Confidential Clinton Interviews

It's a highly unusual step

(Newser) - In a rare step, the FBI on Friday published scores of pages about confidential interviews with Hillary Clinton and others from its recently closed investigation into the former secretary of state's use of a private email server, the AP reports. The FBI's investigation concluded Clinton never sought or...

Clinton-Trump Debate Moderators Are Chosen

Lester Holt, Martha Raddatz, Anderson Cooper, and Chris Wallace will handle them

(Newser) - The Commission on Presidential Debates is tasked with finding the folks who will moderate the upcoming word wars between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, as well as between their respective VP picks. And the commission has spoken, per ABC News , naming NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt as the first...

Putin Says Russia Didn't Hack DNC, but Nice Job

'Listen, does it even matter who hacked this data?'

(Newser) - Vladimir Putin gave a two-hour interview to Bloomberg from Vladivostok, Russia, Thursday, and he had some thoughts on the DNC email hack his country's been accused of having a hand in. WikiLeaks released nearly 20,000 emails right before the Democratic National Convention in July, and they aired a...

Clinton More Unpopular Than Ever: Poll

She and Trump are almost equally disliked

(Newser) - A new ABC News / Washington Post poll finds that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are equally unpopular with registered voters. Clinton's unpopularity went up 6 percentage points in three weeks, and the latest poll found that 56% of adults have an unfavorable view of her—a new record...

NYT Editorial: Clinton Must Make Foundation Fixes Now

It's an 'ethical imperative' for her, says editorial

(Newser) - The Clinton Foundation continues to generate bad headlines for Hillary Clinton, and a New York Times editorial calls on her to more aggressively cut ties to it now, not after the election. A newly released batch of emails does not show that Clinton doled out special favors as secretary of...

Trump Promises &#39;Major&#39; Immigration Speech
Trump Promises 'Major'
Immigration Speech

Trump Promises 'Major' Immigration Speech

He wants 'Crooked Hillary' to release health records

(Newser) - After days of confusion, speculation, and suggestions of a "stunning reversal," Donald Trump appears to be almost ready to cIarify his stance on immigration. "I will be making a major speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the GREAT State of Arizona," he tweeted Sunday. "...

First Nancy Grace, Now Dr. Drew's Show Canceled

HLN doesn't give an official reason for the move

(Newser) - Dr. Drew Pinsky's run at HLN has come to a close. The network says in a statement that CNN and Pinsky "have mutually agreed" that after six years, Dr. Drew On Call will air its final episode Sept. 22. No reason was given for the move, but when...

Clinton, Trump Accuse Each Other of Racism
Trump, Clinton Trade
Barbs on 'Nastiest Day'

Trump, Clinton Trade Barbs on 'Nastiest Day'

They're calling each other bigots

(Newser) - Thursday was what Politico calls "the nastiest day of the general election battle so far," with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump trading insults and accusations of racism. In a campaign video and speech Thursday, Clinton linked Trump to the far right and described him as a "profoundly...

Many Donors to Clinton Foundation Met With Her at State

And they contributed up to $156 million

(Newser) - More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money—either personally or through companies or groups—to the Clinton Foundation. It's an extraordinary proportion indicating her possible ethics challenges if elected president. The AP reports at least...

Email Scandal Will Dog Clinton Through Election
The 'Abedin Emails' Deepen
Hillary's Email Headache
the rundown

The 'Abedin Emails' Deepen Hillary's Email Headache

They show how foundation donors got access

(Newser) - Monday brought more bad news for Hillary Clinton about her email trouble, with the revelation that the FBI had turned up yet another 15,000 emails from her tenure as secretary of state. The State Department has been ordered to review them and expedite their release, which likely means negative...

Clinton Slams 'Wacky' Claims About Her Health

She tells Kimmel it's like an 'alternative reality'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is pushing back against charges that she's physically unfit for the White House. On Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Monday, she said the accusations are part of a "wacky strategy" by GOP rival Donald Trump and an "alternative reality" that's not focused on the kinds...

15K New Clinton Emails Will Be Out Before Election

State Department reviewing another newly discovered batch

(Newser) - The State Department said Monday it is reviewing nearly 15,000 previously undisclosed emails recovered as part of the FBI's now-closed investigation into the handling of sensitive information that flowed through Hillary Clinton's private home server. Lawyers for the department told US District Court Judge James E. Boasberg...

Powell: Clinton 'Trying to Pin' Email Fiasco on Me

Says she was using private server long before he sent her a memo

(Newser) - Colin Powell thinks Hillary Clinton is trying to turn him into a scapegoat for her email trouble. The issue first made headlines Friday thanks to an account in the New York Times alleging that Powell had advised Clinton near the beginning of her tenure as secretary of state to use...

Judge Orders Clinton to Answer Questions on Email Use

But she can do it in writing instead of in person

(Newser) - A federal judge on Friday ordered Hillary Clinton to answer questions in writing from a conservative legal advocacy group about her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state, the AP reports. US District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan issued the order as part of a...

Powell Wrote Clinton of His Own Use of Private Email Server

He used AOL for personal messages while secretary of state

(Newser) - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell says he sent Hillary Clinton a memo touting his use of a personal email account after she took over as the nation's top diplomat in 2009. In a statement provided Friday to the AP , Powell said he emailed Clinton describing his use of...

Clinton's Foundation to Alter Donation Policy if She's Elected

No money from foreigners or corporations

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's family foundation will no longer accept foreign and corporate donations if she is elected president, and will bring an end to its annual Clinton Global Initiative meeting regardless of the outcome of the November election, the AP reports. Former President Bill Clinton made the announcement at an...

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