international development

4 Stories

Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure
Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure

Experts See Chance to Rescue Haiti From Failure

As relief funds flood in, opportunity to reform government arises

(Newser) - With conditions in Haiti worsening, some experts in international development see an upside: an opportunity for the physically fractured nation to reform its economy and even its notoriously corrupt government. "National disasters, as awful as they are, you want to seize those moments, use that awful, awful opportunity, to...

Suharto Leaves Complex Legacy
Suharto Leaves Complex Legacy

Suharto Leaves Complex Legacy

Corrupt, cruel--and fondly remembered

(Newser) - The death of Suharto, Indonesia's ferociously anti-communist dictator for more than 30 years, leaves islanders ambivalent: On the one hand, he created economic prosperity; on the other, he enriched himself and his cronies, and brutally suppressed opponents, leaving hundreds of thousands imprisoned or dead. "He was 50% good and...

Bush Asks Congress to Double AIDS Effort

Calls for $30 billion over 5 years, after he's out of office

(Newser) - President Bush wants to double the funding of a U.S. program that battles the global AIDS crisis. Bush will ask Congress today to commit $30 billion over the next five years after the current program expires in 2008. The extra cash could save the lives of 1.5 million...

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!
Kim Jong-Il
Ate My Giant Bunnies!

Kim Jong-Il Ate My Giant Bunnies!

And German rabbit farmer is hopping mad...

(Newser) - Karl Szmolinsky sent giant rabbits to North Korea to alleviate hunger, and Kim Jong-Il ate them. The German rabbit farmer suspects that the twelve "German Grey Giants" he sent to the country were eaten at a birthday banquet for the dictator instead of being used in a breeding program...

4 Stories