troop surge

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Baghdad Safe Again, Says Iraq
Baghdad Safe Again, Says Iraq

Baghdad Safe Again, Says Iraq

Fall in violence trigger optimism from Iraqi government

(Newser) - A sharp drop in violence in Baghdad led Iraqi government officials to express confidence yesterday that the worst is over, reports the Los Angeles Times. While violence remains high, bombings, street fighting, and abductions are down, as are fears of a civil war. US officials urged Iraq's government to take...

Army Desertion Rate High and Getting Higher

Multiple lengthy deployments lead to 80% jump over 2003

(Newser) - The Army desertion rate for 2007 is up 43% over last year and a whopping 80% since the 2003 Iraq invasion, figures out today show. The rate is the highest since 1980, the AP reports. Moreover, it's increasing: Nearly two-thirds of this year's desertions were in the second half of...

US Begins Surge Reversal
US Begins Surge Reversal

US Begins Surge Reversal

One brigade is heading home; others will follow in coming months

(Newser) - The US is slowly beginning to reduce the number of troops deployed in Iraq, the first real test of whether the surge has been effective, the AP says. One of 20 combat brigades is heading home now, and another four will leave by July, dropping the number of troops in...

2007 Becomes Bloodiest Year for US Troops in Iraq

As surge puts more personnel on the ground, death toll climbs to 852

(Newser) - More US troops have died in Iraq this year than in any other since the conflict began, the AP reports. The 2007 casualty total stands at 852, with the increase due largely to the surge and new counterinsurgency tactics, which took troops out of fortified bases and into communities. The...

US Troop Fatalities Down in Iraq
US Troop Fatalities Down in Iraq

US Troop Fatalities Down in Iraq

Falling trend signals 'window of opportunity'

(Newser) - US troop losses in Iraq dropped in the past month, matching the levels of March 2006 and giving a tentative credit to the current US strategy, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Thirty-six deaths have been reported in October, a lull ascribed to weapons-cache finds, the disruption of bombmaking cells, and...

Dems Have Few Options on Iraq
Dems Have Few Options on Iraq

Dems Have Few Options on Iraq

Political hands are more or less tied to the situation on the ground

(Newser) - No matter who wins the White House in '08, he or she will preside over a significant US troop presence in Iraq through the majority of their first term, say Democratic presidential candidates and their short-list picks for defense secretary. And at last week's Democratic debate, the Washington Post reports,...

Giuliani Ties Clinton to Controversial MoveOn Ad

In new Internet ad, ex-mayor accuses senator of turning on Iraq war, Petraeus

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani linked Hillary Clinton to the controversial newspaper ad attacking David Petraeus in a new Internet attack ad of his own. In the spot, called “She Changed,” the GOP presidential hopeful says the New York senator shifted her position on the war and criticized Petraeus,...

War Has New Symbol: Petraeus
War Has New Symbol: Petraeus

War Has New Symbol: Petraeus

General copes with his transformation into a political actor

(Newser) - Once untarnishable, David Petraeus is being transformed into a political figure on both sides of the aisle. Supporters of the US Iraq strategy continue to paint him as a savior, while critics compare him to Westmoreland. "Up until this week, it was Rumsfeld's war," a retired lieutenant colonel...

Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit
Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit

Petraeus on Iraq: No Exit

Question haunts congressional hearings

(Newser) - When David Petraeus led the 101st Airborne into Iraq in 2003, he made a rhetorical request: "Tell me how this ends." That question hung in the air during 2 days of testimony before Congress. McClatchy's Newspapers' Warren Strobel summarizes press sentiment when he concludes that the general failed...

McCain Hitches Hopes to Petraeus' Star

Steadfast support of war, general may help candidate gain traction

(Newser) - John McCain’s presidential prospects may rest on his criticism of the Bush administration and his support for David Petraeus, and if the situation allows, the Arizona senator will be rewarded for his support of an unpopular war, the Politico's Roger Simon contends. McCain bemoans the “many mistakes” made...

Petraeus Sees Withdrawal to 'Pre-Surge Levels'

Top US commander says goals are being met

(Newser) - David Petraeus told Congress today that the objectives of the troop surge “are in large measure being met” and said US forces could drop “to pre-surge levels” by mid-July. The top American commander in Iraq said he has recommended that force reductions begin later this month, with redeployments...

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed
Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Iraqis Say Surge Has Failed

Also, 60% say attacks against US forces are justified

(Newser) - Seventy percent of Iraqis say that the troop surge has made things worse, and 60% say attacks against US troops are justified, according to a new poll. The mood may be the most negative since the 2003 invasion. "I think that's a damning critique and an indication of the...

Petraeus Bemoans Iraq's Political Progress

Proposes second report in March

(Newser) - Writing to US troops in a preview of his report to Congress next week, Gen. David Petraeus said political progress in Iraq has not matched the aspirations the US had hoped to attain with the surge. But he was quick to stress decreasing violence on the ground, the Washington Post ...

Petraeus Wary on Troop Cuts
Petraeus Wary on Troop Cuts

Petraeus Wary on Troop Cuts

Upcoming report to Congress will have details

(Newser) - Gen. David Petraeus will recommend holding troop levels in Iraq at the current level into  next year, but will offer to pull back one brigade, in a bow to congressional impatience, beginning in January, sources tell the New York Times. In his report to Congress next week, Petraeus will also...

Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate
Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate

Rudy, Mitt Scorched in Debate

Giuliani challenged on fractured family, Romney on Iraq

(Newser) - GOP presidential frontrunners Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani came under a barrage of criticism from rivals and residents at the New Hampshire Republican debate last night. Attacks on Romney focused on his missteps on Iraq, and criticism of Giuliani centered on his personal life, reports Chris Cillizza of the Washington ...

Shiites Force Sunnis From Baghdad
Shiites Force Sunnis From Baghdad

Shiites Force Sunnis From Baghdad

Internally displaced ranks surge as majority seeks ‘Manifest Destiny’

(Newser) - Shiites have been clearing Baghdad of Sunnis at an accelerating rate, and those who remain live under siege. Curbing sectarian cleansing was a key goal of the US troop surge, but the forced migration has only intensified throughout the country, Newsweek reports: The ranks of internally displaced persons have doubled...

Iraqi Civilian Deaths Spike in August

Almost half the 1,809 casualties killed in a single day

(Newser) - August was the second deadliest month for Iraqi civilians since the US troop surge began, the AP reports, with almost half the deaths occurring on just one disastrous day. At least 1,809 Iraqis were killed last month, compared to 2,100 in December, just before the surge began. On...

Petraeus Says Troop Surge Is Working

Ahead of progress report, general briefs Australian official

(Newser) - In a sneak peak at next month's progress report on the troop surge, David Petraeus says sectarian violence and coalition troop deaths from roadside bombs are down while seizure of insurgents' weapons is up. "We say we have achieved progress," the commander of US forces in Iraq told...

Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'
Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'

Iraqis 'Fail to Meet Benchmarks'

Congressional auditors say most key goals unfulfilled

(Newser) - The Iraqi government has failed to meet most of the key political and military goals—the so called benchmarks—designed to measure the success of the US troop surge, congressional auditors say. An investigation by the Government Accountability Office has concluded that 13 of the 18 benchmarks remain unmet as...

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq
Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Pols Slug It Out Over Iraq

Senators, candidates use Sunday shows as firing range to lob verbal bombs at Maliki

(Newser) - Verbal bombs flew over the fate of US troops in Iraq this morning, heating up the debate as Congress awaits next month's troop surge report. John Warner, on “Meet the Press,” warned President Bush to “put teeth in these comments that we are not there forever” while...

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