tax cuts

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Walter Monday: US Must Raise Taxes to Fix Its Deficit Problems, He Writes in Washington Post Essay
 Walter Mondale: 
 We Must Raise Taxes 

Walter Mondale: We Must Raise Taxes

It's a politically risky but necessary for the country, says former VP

(Newser) - Walter Mondale returns to a familiar theme in a Washington Post op-ed: "We will not be able to control our budget deficits without raising taxes," he declares in the first sentence. As Mondale himself acknowedges, he's become the poster boy for why candidates should never bring up...

Paul Ryan Unveils Massive Cuts in GOP Budget

At the same time, it would lower taxes on corporations, the rich

(Newser) - Republicans unveiled a bold 2012 budget proposal today that, architect Paul Ryan boasts in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “moves the debate from billions in spending cuts to trillions.” Ryan’s budget comes in at $3.53 trillion , or $179 billion less than President Obama’s . But he...

Beware Republicans' New Voodoo Economics
Beware Republicans'
New Voodoo Economics
paul krugman

Beware Republicans' New Voodoo Economics

Paul Krugman: How do big tax cuts square with concern over the deficit?

(Newser) - Paul Krugman warns against what he sees as a new version of "voodoo economics" that Republicans plan to codify in the House: "The belief that deficits created by tax cuts just don't matter." Jon Kyl and crew think that any tax cut is a good tax cut,...

President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill
President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill
it's official

President Obama Signs Massive Tax Bill

He praises $858B tax cut deal

(Newser) - The Bush tax cuts live on. President Barack Obama signed the $858 billion tax bill today, praising the new law as a "substantial victory for middle-class families across the country." Before signing the bill, the president reiterated that "there are some elements of this legislation that I...

House Passes Sweeping Tax Bill
House Passes
Sweeping Tax Bill
tax cut deal

House Passes Sweeping Tax Bill

Tax cut package sent to Obama's desk

(Newser) - The House of Representatives, acting with uncommon speed, has given final approval to a bipartisan bill that will avoid a scheduled rise in income taxes for millions on the first of January. The vote was 277-148 late last night on the legislation, which is the result of a compromise between...

Senate Passes Tax-Cut Deal 81-19
Senate Passes
Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Senate Passes Tax-Cut Deal 81-19

Heads for tougher fight in the House

(Newser) - President Obama's compromise tax deal with Republicans—a package of cuts that would add nearly a trillion dollars to the US debt—won approval in the Senate today in a 81-19 vote. The measure still faces stiff opposition in the House where Democrats see it as overgenerous to the wealthy....

Tax Deal Is First Debate of 2012 Presidential Race: Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney Face Off Against Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Others
First Debate for
GOP 2012: Tax Deal

First Debate for GOP 2012: Tax Deal

Tea Partiers hate it, mainstream contenders support it

(Newser) - There’s still a while to go before the official 2012 debates begin—but we have the first unofficial one on our hands, in the form of President Obama’s tax deal. Despite strong support in a vote Monday (only five Republican senators voted against it), 2012 contenders are drawing...

Tax Deal Cutting Into Obama's Hawaiian Getaway

As Congress heads toward overtime, the president may be stuck in DC

(Newser) - Someone break the news to Sasha and Malia: They may have to body surf the Hawaiian waves without dad this year. With Congress’ lame duck session likely headed into overtime, President Obama has resolved to stay in Washington to sign anything it passes, meaning he may not find himself en...

Tax Cut Deal Garners 60 Votes in Senate

Measure could go to House tomorrow

(Newser) - Legislation to avert a Jan. 1 increase in US income tax rates has gained 60 votes in the Senate, the level needed to advance toward a final vote. The roll call is continuing, and the test vote is not final. But the bipartisan show of support is a strong indication...

69% of Americans Support Obama's Tax Deal

Even when confronted with deficit issues, support only drops to 62%

(Newser) - Bernie Sanders may not like President Obama's tax deal, but most of America supports it. A new ABC News /Washington Post poll shows 69% support the tax-and-benefits package and only 29% oppose it. Even when confronted with the fact that it could add $900 billion to the deficit, the level...

Democrats: Fine, We'll Pass Your Crummy Tax Deal

Bill to see vote this week, says House majority leader

(Newser) - Democrats haven't stopped complaining about President Obama’s tax cut deal—one House member even called it Obama's "Gettysburg"—but it looks like they’ll pass it anyway, Time reports. “We're not going to hold this thing up at the end of the day,” said Chris...

Bloomberg to Dems: Suck It Up on Tax Deal

Also, he's not running in 2012. Just so you know.

(Newser) - Joe Biden isn't the only one fed up with Democrats howling about President Obama's tax cut deal with the GOP—Michael Bloomberg today chimed right in, telling Obama he should tell his party faithful to "Suck it up." “This is the best I can do,"...

Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal
Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal
Charles Krauthammer

Democrats Too Dumb to Realize Obama Won Tax Deal

Krauthammer: GOP gave him his stimulus, and looked bad doing it

(Newser) - Barack Obama pulled off a huge coup with his tax-cut deal, but House Democrats are too dim to realize it. Obama slyly negotiated “the biggest stimulus in American history,” complains Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post . Republicans boast that this is their kind of stimulus—meaning mostly tax...

Senate Begins Debate on $858B Tax Cut Bill

Deems House objections 'irrelevant'

(Newser) - The Senate voted to begin debate on a bill based on Barack Obama’s tax cut deal last night, with the final vote expected to be held Monday. The Senate’s version of the bill will add $858 billion to the deficit over 10 years, the Wall Street Journal reports....

Big-Time Dem Donors Defecting Over Tax Cuts for Wealthy

'Cave-in to GOP' sapping support for 2012

(Newser) - Wealthy liberals will have more money in their pockets because of President Obama's extension of tax cuts for the richest Americans—but they don't plan on sharing it with Obama's re-election campaign. Donors angered by the tax-cut deal say the president has caved to Republican pressure and they plan to...

Senate Democrats Warm to Obama's Tax Deal

But Biden makes little progress in the House

(Newser) - Democrats are coming around on the tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans—at least in the Senate. Yesterday, the White House was showing off independent forecasts predicting that the concessions Obama won in the deal could create up to 2.2 million jobs, the Washington Post reports. “...

Obama's Tax Deal Really a 'Stealth Stimulus'

But it'll only work if consumers will spend the money

(Newser) - The tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans is likely to give a real jolt to the economy, economists tell the Wall Street Journal , which calls the deal “a second, stealth stimulus package.” While the tax cuts themselves may not boost growth much, the extension of unemployment...

Surprise! Taxes Will Actually Go Up for the Poor

But for the rich, it's a great deal

(Newser) - This tax cut deal President Obama struck with Republicans is awesome—as long as you’re among the wealthiest Americans. At least a quarter of the tax savings will go to the top 1%, the New York Times points out, in a piece headlined “Tax Package Will Aid Nearly...

Obama Defends Tax Deal as Necessary for Middle Class
Defiant Obama Defends
His Tax Deal

Defiant Obama Defends His Tax Deal

This is about 'real money for real people'

(Newser) - With his tax-cut compromise catching heavy flak from within his own party, President Obama today sought to make the case that he had no choice. "My job is to do what's right for the American people," he said at an afternoon news conference. He stressed that "middle-class...

Why Obama Struck His Tax Cut Bargain
Why Obama Struck
His Tax Cut Bargain
Opinion Roundup

Why Obama Struck His Tax Cut Bargain

He wanted more stimulus, and this is the best he could get

(Newser) - Barack Obama's decision to extend the Bush tax cuts has got pundits talking and liberals frothing. Here's what they're saying:
  • This might look like a “classic Washington giveaway,” but “at the White House, where there is much anxiety about the staggering performance of the economy, this is

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