Joe Biden

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Biden Granddaughter to Marry at White House
White House to Host Wedding

White House to Host Wedding

Naomi Biden and Peter Neal plan first ceremony ever on South Lawn

(Newser) - "Here Comes the Bride" will be heard at the White House once again. Naomi Biden, the granddaughter of President Biden, and Peter Neal are getting married on the South Lawn on Saturday in what will be the 19th wedding in White House history, the AP reports. It will be...

Biden Calls UK PM Rishi Sunak 'Rashee Sanook'


(Newser) - President Biden had his own " Adele Dazeem " moment Monday night at a Washington, DC, event to mark the beginning of Diwali, a Hindu religious festival. Referring to new UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak , who is of Indian descent and the first Hindu to hold the PM role, Biden...

Biden's Student Debt Plan Hits Temporary Roadblock

Federal appeals court puts relief program on hold for now as it reviews case brought by 6 GOP states

(Newser) - Update: President Biden's student loan relief program has been put on hold, at least temporarily, due to an order from a federal appeals court. The New York Times reports that the directive from the 8th US Circuit Court of Appeals, which mandates that the debt cancellation set to start...

Biden Speaks on the Risk of Nuclear 'Armageddon'

Says it's at highest level since Cuban Missile Crisis

(Newser) - President Biden said Thursday that the risk of nuclear “Armageddon” is at the highest level since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, as Russian officials speak of the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons after suffering massive setbacks in the eight-month invasion of Ukraine. Speaking at a fundraiser for the...

Biden Says &#39;the Pandemic Is Over&#39;
Biden Says
Is Over'
'60 minutes' interview

Biden Says 'Pandemic Is Over'

And more from president's '60 Minutes' interview

(Newser) - President Biden appeared on 60 Minutes Sunday night in what the AP refers to as a "rare" interview, discussing the COVID-19 pandemic and the raid on former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence, among other things. His declaration on the state of the pandemic in the US was fairly bold:...

Biden Reveals His Plan for Canceling Student Loan Debt

Many borrowers will see $10K in loan forgiveness

(Newser) - On Wednesday President Biden made good on his campaign promise to ease the burden of federal student loan debt. Under Biden's plan, many Americans will be granted $10,000 in debt cancellation; those with the greatest financial need could see an additional $10,000 wiped away. The specifics, per...

Biden Had No Idea Mar-a-Lago Would Be Raided: White House

Press secretary says president was not briefed

(Newser) - President Biden was not briefed and "was not aware" at all of the FBI's Monday raid on former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida before it happened, the White House said Tuesday at a press briefing. "No one at the White House was given a heads...

Democrats Jokingly Praise Their Overlord: &#39;Dark Brandon&#39;
Democrats Turn 'Brandon'
Meme Around to Praise Biden

Democrats Turn 'Brandon' Meme Around to Praise Biden

Jokey images depict Biden, aka 'Dark Brandon, as 'master of the political dark arts' following Democratic wins

(Newser) - A week after Joe Biden was elected president, a Chinese illustrator began spewing out images of Biden as an evil, all-powerful being with glowing eyes. Yang Quan often shared the images with pro-China messages. So why are several now going viral, spread not by Chinese sympathizers, but by Biden's...

Biden Says He's Considered Declaring Emergency to Boost Abortion Access

But White House has said it doesn't appear to be a 'great option'

(Newser) - President Joe Biden said Sunday he is considering declaring a public health emergency to free up federal resources to promote abortion access even though the White House has said it doesn't seem like “a great option.” He also offered a message to people enraged by the Supreme...

On Russia's Latest 'Stop List': Biden's Family

First lady Jill Biden, president's daughter Ashley are banned from entering the country

(Newser) - Russia on Tuesday announced it was banning the wife and daughter of President Biden from entering the country, in response to widening sanctions against Russia. The nation's Foreign Ministry said 25 names were being added to the country's "stop list," including Biden's wife Jill and...

Biden&#39;s Age Reemerges as an Issue
Biden's Age
as an Issue

Biden's Age Reemerges as an Issue

White House balks amid concerns about 'geriatric leadership'

(Newser) - The White House is brushing off concerns that the 79-year-old president's age could affect his reelection bid as "fallacious" and not worth listening to. Asked Monday whether President Biden could handle another presidential campaign, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told CNN , "That is not a question that we...

Bernie Sanders Says He'll Back a Former Rival

Senator says he won't issue a primary challenge to POTUS

(Newser) - Increasingly, there have been reports of Democrats being concerned about President Biden running for re-election in 2024. But one person Biden won't have to worry about is Bernie Sanders. The senator from Vermont told CNN that while it's "a little too early" to be talking about such...

Biden Gives First In-Person Late Night Interview as President
Jimmy Kimmel
Had Some Advice
for Biden: Yell

Jimmy Kimmel Had Some Advice for Biden: Yell

President gives his first in-person appearance on a late night show

(Newser) - There weren't a lot of laughs, but President Biden got some unsolicited advice from Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday when the president sat down for his first in-person interview with a late-night host since taking office, the AP reports. The host of ABC's Jimmy Kimmel Live! expressed frustration about...

2 Tweets From Bezos on Biden, With One Theme: 'Misdirection'

Amazon founder goes after president on Twitter about inflation

(Newser) - President Biden is well aware of the nation's current woes around inflation , and he recently pledged to make it his top domestic priority. But his thoughts on how to do so have rankled one of the world's richest men, and that man took to Twitter to tell the...

Don't Expect a Huge Number on Biden's Student Loan Salve

President still considering 'some debt reduction,' but not the $50K-per-borrower some Dems want

(Newser) - Reducing, or outright eliminating, debt for the 43 million people who've borrowed money via federal student loans has long been a top priority on progressives' wish list. And President Biden is seriously considering "some debt reduction," he announced this week, though advocates shouldn't get their hopes...

Bidens' Oldest Grandkid to Enjoy Rare White House Perk

Naomi Biden, 28, and Peter Neal, 24, will have WH wedding reception on Nov. 19

(Newser) - Details are scarce, but a Biden is about to celebrate their wedding in the White House. That would be Naomi Biden, Joe and Jill Biden's oldest grandchild, who'll have her nuptials hosted by the president and first lady on Nov. 19, a spokesperson for Jill Biden tells CNN...

Man Can Keep 'Objectionable' License Plate Referring to Biden

Alabama won't recall Nathan Kirk's 'LGBFJB' tag—standing for 'Let's go, Brandon,' apparent vulgarity

(Newser) - "Let's go, Brandon," the catchphrase that's code among Trump supporters for "F--- Joe Biden," has made its way, in a way, onto an Alabama man's license plate, and he's going to be allowed to keep it there. reports that the...

White House Event Celebrates Black History

Biden urges Congress to confirm Jackson, pass voting rights bills

(Newser) - President Biden welcomed Black leaders to the White House on Monday for a jovial Black History Month celebration, where he called on Congress to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court and pass voting rights bills. "I know progress can be slow and frustrating," Biden said. "...

Growing Consensus on Russia: Should've Listened to Mitt

A look back at Romney's 2012 remarks on Russia being 'without question, our No. 1 geopolitical foe'

(Newser) - As the world waits anxiously for his next move on Ukraine, Vladimir Putin continues to make demands over the crisis, exacerbated this week by his ordering of Russian troops into eastern Ukraine. Now, comments made about Russia a decade ago by Sen. Mitt Romney, then a presidential contender against incumbent...

Joe Biden's Worst Mistake May Be Unfolding Right Now

Ezra Klein is referring to starving Afghans

(Newser) - The worst mistake of the Biden administration might end up being Afghanistan, writes Ezra Klein in the New York Times . And no, he's not referring to the chaotic withdrawal of US troops. He's talking about what has unfolded since, what's unfolding now, and what will continue to...

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