
3 Stories

They Opened Time Capsule, Found a Mystery
They Opened
Time Capsule
50 Years Later,
Got a Shock

They Opened Time Capsule 50 Years Later, Got a Shock

There was nothing in it

(Newser) - Officials in a New Hampshire town are trying to figure out how a recently opened time capsule from 50 years ago has nothing in it. Library director Cara Potter in Derry tells WMUR that since she started there five years ago, the safe has been sitting on a shelf. Before...

57-Year-Old Woman Charged in Shooting Death of Journalist

New IRA takes blame for murder of Lyra McKee in Northern Ireland

(Newser) - A 57-year-old woman has been arrested in the shooting death last week in Northern Ireland of journalist Lyra McKee . Although initially two teens were detained in connection with the killing of the 29-year-old, who died Thursday night during rioting in Londonderry (aka Derry), they were later released without being charged,...

Bus Driver Hailed as Hero for Foiling Bomb Plot

She had been ordered to deliver it to police station in Northern Ireland

(Newser) - A bus driver in Northern Ireland is winning a hero's praise for keeping cool and defying orders to drive a timed bomb to a police station, reports the Guardian and RTE . The scene unfolded last night, when either one or two men (accounts differ) boarded the bus, placed the...

3 Stories
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