prom queen

2 Stories

Friends Vote Slain Student Prom Queen

They hold ceremony at the beach

(Newser) - Maren Sanchez was allegedly killed for refusing to go to prom with her attacker —but her friends ensured that the slain Connecticut 16-year-old was still a part of the dance. Though Friday's prom was postponed, her friends wore tuxes and dresses to the beach, where they brought Maren'...

High School Crowns Male Prom Queen
High School Crowns Male Prom Queen

High School Crowns Male Prom Queen

Gay LA student wins title after heartfelt speech to his peers

(Newser) - A Southern California high school has crowned its first male prom queen, the Los Angeles Times reports. Sergio Garcia, 18 and gay, says he began his campaign as a joke. To his surprise, the stunt led to a serious discussion of gay rights and gender roles. “I will be...

2 Stories
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