Tom Barrett

8 Stories

Scott Walker Opponent Slapped for Conceding

Supporter angry over Tom Barrett's timing

(Newser) - Tom Barrett's concession to Scott Walker in the Wisconsin recall vote prompted a minor assault. A supporter smacked the Milwaukee mayor across the face after he made the call to Walker, USA Today reports; apparently she was angry he'd conceded while some voters were still trying to cast...

How Scott Walker Pulled It Off
 How Scott Walker Pulled It Off 

How Scott Walker Pulled It Off

Conviction, money, Democratic disorder drove recall results

(Newser) - So much for that recount . Scott Walker won handily last night , and today everyone's talking about why, and what it means. Here's what pundits and strategists are saying went into, and might come out of, the win:
  • The Democratic primary was a disaster, Democratic strategists tell Chris Cillizza

Scott Walker Beats Recall Challenge

Controversial Wisconsin governor will remain in office

(Newser) - After a long, bitter battle and millions of GOP dollars from across the nation, Gov. Scott Walker has survived a recall challenge to remain governor of Wisconsin. Exit polls had the race at 50-50, notes the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel . But with 97% of the vote counted in the high-turnout contest,...

No Surprise: Wisconsin Polls Suggest Close Race

Turnout is huge for Scott Walker recall vote

(Newser) - The polls close at 9pm Eastern in Wisconsin, but don't expect the networks to be calling this one anytime soon. Exit polls suggest that the vote to recall Gov. Scott Walker will be a close one, as expected, reports CNN :
  • Parties evenly split: Of those who voted, Democrats made

Wisconsin Race Neck and Neck
 Wisconsin Recall 
 Neck and Neck 
election Preview

Wisconsin Recall Neck and Neck

Scott Walker leading in polls, but by thin margins, in high-stakes contest

(Newser) - Tomorrow, Wisconsinites will decide whether to keep Gov. Scott Walker or boot him in favor of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, in what Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post is calling "the second most important and influential race of 2012 aside from the presidential," with "absolutely massive" stakes....

Milwaukee Mayor to Run Against Scott Walker

Barrett aims to unseat Wisconsin governor June 5

(Newser) - Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has won a hard-fought primary campaign to become the Democrat who will seek to unseat Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in a recall election June 5. Barrett—who was defeated by Walker in November 2010—beat nearest rival Kathleen Falk 58% to 32%, despite the millions of...

Candidate Runs 'Fighting' Ad Against Assault Victim Rival

Boxing gloves odd choice in Wisconsin

(Newser) - Scott Walker has taken the gloves off—by putting them on—in his push to be Wisconsin's governor. The Republican county executive of Milwaukee has a new ad attacking his presumptive Democratic rival, Mayor Tom Barrett, that shows him wearing boxing gloves. Walker claims he's "ready to go the...

Suspect Busted in Pipe Attack on Milwaukee Mayor

(Newser) - A 20-year-old man has been arrested for a pipe attack on the mayor of Milwaukee as he came to the aid of the mother of the suspect's girlfriend, reports the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Mayor Tom Barrett, 55, suffered a broken hand and head injuries when he confronted the attacker and...

8 Stories
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