Naser Abdo

2 Stories

Suspect Shouts Name of Accused Ft. Hood Shooter

Muslim soldier accused of bomb plot yells out in court

(Newser) - The US soldier who allegedly planned to bomb Fort Hood military base had a disruptive and defiant court appearance today, reports the AP . Pfc. Naser Abdo would not stand up when asked and yelled "Nidal Hasan Fort Hood 2009" as he was leaving, referring to the Army psychiatrist accused...

Cops: Soldier Admits Plot to Attack Fort Hood

AWOL Muslim private arrested with bomb-making material

(Newser) - The US soldier arrested over a possible second attack on Fort Hood told police he wanted to attack troops there, reports CNN . Pfc. Naser Jason Abdo, 21, apparently acted alone, said the local police chief, noting that he wasn’t aware of any other threat to the base. Abdo, a...

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