Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

3 Stories

25 Years for a Minor Hack of a Website?
25 Years for a Minor Hack
of a Website?

25 Years for a Minor Hack of a Website?

Feds overreach in Reuters case, as they did with Aaron Swartz

(Newser) - Federal prosecutors threatening Matthew Keys with 25 years in prison for helping hackers write some goofy vandalism on one LA Times story is so over the top that it's clear feds are just using "garbage charges" as a "bludgeon" to get a plea bargain, writes Justin Peters...

Reading This Article at Work Could Become a Crime
Reading This Article at Work Could Become a Crime

Reading This Article at Work Could Become a Crime

Professors discuss potential broad interpretation of computer law

(Newser) - If you're reading this while at work, watch out: Doing so could someday become a federal offense, LiveScience reports. Two Boston College professors recently wrote a paper on a hypothetical broad interpretation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act—an interpretation that could make it illegal for employees to...

Goofing Off on Your Work PC Not a Crime: Court

So go ahead, read Newser to your heart's delight from 9-5

(Newser) - Good news, slackers: It's not illegal to use your work computer to shop on Amazon, set your fantasy roster, or, well, read Newser. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has shot down a Justice Department argument that a 1984 anti-hacking law covered not just hacking, but any unauthorized use...

3 Stories