compassionate conservatism

7 Stories

'Nice Guy' Mitt Moves Voters With Tales of Death

Romney shows new, friendly persona on Florida swing

(Newser) - The energetic, down-to-earth Mitt Romney who wowed at the first presidential debate is taking his new show on the road, Politico reports. Stumping in Florida, the GOP candidate has ditched his old CEO persona for a man who tells warm, personal stories about people who are dying. One was an...

Santorum an 'Uncompassionate Conservative'

Santorum's 'uber-Catholicism' lacks humanity, says Dowd

(Newser) - With his repeated attacks on gay marriage and gay rights in general, Rick Santorum is "an unexpected revival of ... uncompassionate conservatism," writes Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "Rick Perry baits gays because it’s good politics; Santorum sincerely means it," Dowd writes. "His...

Conservatives Aren't Crazy, They Just Want Their Turn
Conservatives Aren't Crazy, They Just Want
Their Turn
Jonah Goldberg

Conservatives Aren't Crazy, They Just Want Their Turn

8 years of Bush didn't count

(Newser) - Don’t listen to the liberals telling you the right is crazy and going to heck in a handbasket. The reality is far simpler: “After 15 or 20 years of steady moderation, many conservatives think it might be time to give their ideas a try,” writes Jonah Goldberg...

With Clinics, Bush Leaves Compassionate Mark

Federal funding has doubled for community health centers

(Newser) - One Bush project that President-elect Obama isn’t likely to overturn is the expansion of funding for nonprofit medical clinics in underserved areas. The push—unequalled since Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty—to provide accessible health care for the poor and uninsured was one of the campaign promises President...

His 'Bedrock Decency' Will Be Missed
 His 'Bedrock Decency' 
 Will Be Missed 

His 'Bedrock Decency' Will Be Missed

(Newser) - George W. Bush may not be judged kindly by history, but he was faithful, consistent, and above all compassionate, writes former White House official Jim Towey in the Wall Street Journal. It was “little acts behind the curtain” that “inspired intense loyalty by staff members." To those...

Voters Flee GOP Fury Like It's 1964
 Voters Flee GOP 
 Fury Like It's 1964 

Voters Flee GOP Fury Like It's 1964

Angry base has handed election to Obama, writes Cohen

(Newser) - Eight years ago George W. Bush made it to the White House as a "compassionate conservative," with plans to reform education and build a multiracial coalition. In 2008, writes Richard Cohen, that vision of the GOP is dead—replaced by "a mean, grumpy, exclusive, narrow-minded and...

Romney: Dubya in Centrist's Clothing

Compassionate- conservative act just that, columnist writes

(Newser) - Mitt Romney’s centrist past and anti-bigot pleasantries are belied by the hardcore conservative base he’s building, writes the American Prospect’s Garance Franke-Ruta. The Republican presidential hopeful's overtures to the middle echo those of George W. Bush's 2000 campaign—in which Bush ultimately won by relying on his...

7 Stories