
5 Stories

Amanda Knox Weighs In on Sentence in Suicide Texts Case

Says Michelle Carter needs our 'sympathy,' not a stint behind bars

(Newser) - Michelle Carter will serve 15 months in prison for her role in boyfriend Conrad Roy's suicide, but one high-profile person who herself has known the inside of a jail cell says incarceration isn't what Carter needs. Amanda Knox, who spent four years in an Italian prison before she...

Media Sucked Up to Sanford to Get Access, Emails Show

News outlets offered aides a 'friendly' ear

(Newser) - No surprise that a lot of media outlets tried to butter up Mark Sanford’s aides in order to win interviews with the governor when he was AWOL in Argentina. But their emails, obtained by the State, show the lengths they were willing to go to, some coming about as...

Stress Pushes Animals to Binge, Too

House pets feel human worries; lab animals turn to high-fat treats

(Newser) - Animals get stressed out just like humans, and they even cope anthropomorphically, binging on sweet, fatty foods, LiveScience reports. What’s more, animals can read our misgivings and take on that stress themselves. “The more intelligent an animal is, the more psychological stress it can undergo,” one veterinarian...

Bush: 4,000 US Lives 'Were Not Lost in Vain'

Prez suffers worse 'burden' than military families, Cheney says

(Newser) - President Bush sympathizes with the families of 4,000 Americans slain in Iraq, he said today. They "were not lost in vain. One day, people will look back at this moment in history and say, 'Thank God there were courageous people willing to serve,'" CNN reports. In an...

She Got Out of Jail Free
She Got Out
of Jail Free

She Got Out of Jail Free

Times scribe: Clinton got 'sympathy vote' from women who recognized her vulnerability

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton had a “horrendous week” in the lead-up to Tuesday's New Hampshire primary—and won not on merit, but on a “sympathy vote” from women who saw themselves in her, exhausted and “overdosed on multitasking.” The New York Times’ Gail Collins argues that women recognized...

5 Stories