Hurricane Katrina

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Obama Vows Not to Repeat Katrina Mistakes

He makes his first visit as president to New Orleans

(Newser) - President Obama promised not to repeat the mistakes the Bush administration made responding to Hurricane Katrina. Speaking to residents of New Orleans' lower 9th ward, Obama said the Katrina disaster was caused not just by “nature, but by a failure of government." By improving communication among state, local,...

New Orleans Repair an Experiment in Green
 New Orleans Repair 
 an Experiment in Green 

New Orleans Repair an Experiment in Green

(Newser) - Four years after Katrina, the rebuilding of New Orleans is becoming an exercise in environmentally friendly reconstruction, Bryan Walsh writes in Time. Global Green USA, the American arm of a group founded by Mikhail Gorbachev, is leading the pack by building a sustainable village in the city's Lower Ninth Ward,...

The Memorial Killings: What Katrina Doctors Did
The Memorial Killings:
What Katrina Doctors Did

The Memorial Killings: What Katrina Doctors Did

Report details how staff responded to agonizing situation

(Newser) - In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, the staff at one New Orleans hospital faced a torturous dilemma: For critically ill patients who would have to be carried down as many as 8 flights of stairs and back up to the roof of a garage, evacuation seemed impossible. With rumors of...

Brad Pitt for Mayor? 'I Don't Have a Chance'

But no, he's not running for mayor

(Newser) - To mark the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Brad Pitt spoke to MSNBC about his effort to rebuild the Lower 9th Ward with his Make It Right foundation—and the grassroots campaign to push him to run for mayor of New Orleans. He says he'd run if chosen, but “...

FEMA Too Slow on Katrina Trailer Toxins: Federal Report

Agency didn't announce toxin find until 2 years after people moved in

(Newser) - FEMA was too slow to deal with reports of toxins in trailers used to house Hurricane Katrina victims, potentially posing a “significant health risk” to thousands along the Gulf Coast, a Homeland Security report says. Residents of the trailers had reported bloody noses, headaches, and worse as a result...

Health Care Debate Cements US as Can't-Do Nation
Health Care Debate Cements US as Can't-Do Nation

Health Care Debate Cements US as Can't-Do Nation

(Newser) - As centrist Democrats concoct yet more reasons the US can’t do what every other advanced economy has done—provide universal health care—Harold Meyerson had a disturbing thought: “Suppose our collective lack of response to Hurricane Katrina wasn’t exceptional, but rather the new normal in America,”...

Maybe Dave Eggers Can Save Newspapers
 Maybe Dave Eggers 
 Can Save Newspapers 

Maybe Dave Eggers Can Save Newspapers

(Newser) - Dave Eggers, author, editor, and professed lover of print, is hatching a plan to save newspapers. Or at least a modern version of them. Eggers tells the Rumpus that he and his crew at McSweeney's will publish their version of a daily newspaper in September. It will exist for one...

FEMA Will Sell Katrina Trailers to Occupants for $1

Obama administration announces housing plan for victims

(Newser) - Nearly 4 years after Hurricane Katrina hit, the federal government is bringing its assistance program for displaced victims to a close by essentially giving residents the 1,800 mobile homes it has loaned out, the Washington Post reports. Occupants can buy their units for $1 or $5, depending on the...

New Orleans Again US Murder Capital

(Newser) - New Orleans is once again the US murder capital after briefly losing the title. Fresh FBI statistics show that with 64 killings per 100,000 people in 2008, New Orleans had the highest per-capita murder rate in the country, well ahead of second-place St. Louis, with 47 murders per 100,...

Bullying Rumsfeld Used Bible to Sway Bush on Iraq
Bullying Rumsfeld Used Bible to Sway Bush on Iraq

Bullying Rumsfeld Used Bible to Sway Bush on Iraq

Former Pentagon chief undermined president, former aides say

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld isn’t a preacher, but nearly every morning after the Iraq invasion, he handed President Bush a national security digest containing Biblical quotations intended to influence his decisions. This tactic, Robert Draper writes for GQ in a lengthy look at Rummy's standing among administration contemporaries, epitomizes the former...

FEMA Orders Katrina Victims Out of Its Trailers

Residents still rebuilding their homes fret as eviction day looms

(Newser) - FEMA is booting thousands of Hurricane Katrina victims from its trailers at the end of this month whether they have somewhere else to go or not, the New York Times reports. Much of the permanent housing intended to replace the trailers remains unfinished, and as eviction day looms, many of...

New Orleans Builds on Hollywood-Friendly Rep

Films provide critical revenue to city

(Newser) - Movie projects like The Curious Case of Benjamin Button have provided valuable revenue to beleaguered New Orleans, and new studio and soundstage developments aim to ensure the city has all the amenities filmmakers need to complete their projects. The city is getting 600,000 feet of soundstages—needed to shoot...

It's Official: New Orleans Will Never Be the Same

(Newser) - Even if the government somehow managed to re-create pre-Katrina New Orleans, it couldn't guarantee the safety of the city and its residents, according to a new report. The Army Corps of Engineers is rebuilding levees in anticipation of a “100-year storm,” but for a city of New Orleans’...

Katrina Negligence Case Against Feds Goes to Court

(Newser) - Hurricane Katrina victims get their day in court beginning today, as a federal judge hears a lawsuit against the Army Corps of Engineers. Tens of thousands of New Orleans residents could win damages, in what lawyers are calling “the last case standing” against the government. “This is sort...

Capitol Goes Gaga for Pitt
 Capitol Goes Gaga for Pitt 

Capitol Goes Gaga for Pitt

Brad discusses New Orleans, lawmakers swoon

(Newser) - Brad Pitt was in Washington yesterday for a serious reason, but the effect he had on lawmakers was not entirely professional, with many employees ditching their offices to nonchalantly hang out in the halls hoping to catch a glimpse of the superstar, AP reports. It wasn’t all fun and...

Jindal Fudged Katrina Story
 Jindal Fudged 
 Katrina Story 

Jindal Fudged Katrina Story

Says he helped battle 'bureaucrats' but wasn't actually there

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal's reps are scrambling to explain the heroic Katrina tale he slipped into his big speech on Tuesday night. The Louisiana governor said he was in New Orleans "during Katrina" and backed a sheriff's push to send out rescue boats despite "bureaucrats" who fretted over...

Florida GOPer Resigns After Tasteless Katrina Joke

Resigns after email mocking trapped "blacks"

(Newser) - Carol Carter, a Florida Republican committeewoman, isn’t racist. It’s just that she likes Katrina jokes. So much that she emailed this one around last week: “How can 2,000,000 blacks get into Washington, DC in 1 day in sub zero temps when 200,000 couldn't get...

Pope Names Bishop Who Lauded 'Punishing' Katrina

Hurricane destroyed nightclubs, abortion clinic, notes pleased Austrian

(Newser) - Days after welcoming back to the church a bishop who denies the Holocaust existed, Pope Benedict has sparked controversy again for promoting a controversial Austrian ultra-conservative cleric. Gerhard Maria Wagner claims the Harry Potter series spreads satanism and that Hurricane Katrina was punishment for New Orleans' lax morals.

Rice Regrets Bad Iraq Intel, But Not Invasion

Former State chief also denies that race clouded Bush Katrina response

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice appeared on The View today to defend Bush administration policies, and lament a few key mistakes, the Los Angeles Times reports. Rice expressed regret that weapons of mass destruction never surfaced in Iraq—but stands behind the ouster of Saddam Hussein. Rice also said Hurricane Katrina was “...

In Last Presser, Bush Hotly Defends Record, Owns Regrets

President doesn't indulge in self-pity in final news conference

(Newser) - In what he called the “ultimate exit interview,” President Bush defended his record and the talents of his team, dismissed his critics, acknowledged some mistakes, and had words of advice for his successor. In a wide-ranging, emotional, and occasionally poignant farewell press conference, Bush said it wasn’t...

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