moon landings

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Armstrong Flubbed Moon Line, Made It Stellar

Astro put tiny poetic spin on script

(Newser) - Stressed out Neil Armstrong flubbed his line as he became the first human to step on the moon—and turned it into out-of-this-world poetry, reports the BBC. The astronaut was supposed to say: "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," as he walked onto...

Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter
Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter

Oscar Winner Is 9/11 Doubter

French Oscar winner sees a conspiracy to burn the building and pass it off as a terrorist attack.

(Newser) - In year-old video just now resurfacing, best-actress Oscar winner Marion Cotillard says she doesn't believe the "official story" of  the 9/11 attacks—and she's not sure the moon landing was real, either, the Telegraph reports. In a TV interview, the French star of La Vie en Rose speculates that...

1 Small Disc, 1 Giant Message
1 Small Disc, 1 Giant Message

1 Small Disc, 1 Giant Message

Disc with messages of peace lies in moondust

(Newser) - A tiny disc carrying messages of peace from world leaders has been lying in a small pouch on the moon since 1969, reports Space historian Tahir Rahman's new book We Came In Peace For All Mankind tells the story of how the disc came to be there—and...

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