
2 Stories

Facebook Tops Yahoo as Web's No. 2 Site

Social network and search giant switched spots over New Year's

(Newser) - Facebook has felled another Internet giant, surpassing Yahoo in January to become the second most visited website in the US. In December, Facebook had 132.1 million unique visitors to Yahoo’s 133.4 million. But last month the tables were turned, Mashable reports, with Facebook garnering 133.6 million...

Amazon Holiday Traffic Winner
Amazon Holiday Traffic Winner

Amazon Holiday Traffic Winner

Dethrones eBay in pageviews for first time

(Newser) - Nielsen Online has declared Amazon the pageview winner for the holiday season, reports the New York Times. Amazon had 59,624,000 views to eBay’s 59,374,000, a slim margin, but a big turnaround on previous years. Brad Stone cites consumer concerns over fraud and counterfeit as possible...

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