
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

America Has a New Happiest State

Sorry, Hawaii, it's ... North Dakota

(Newser) - What's better than sandy beaches, sunshine, and luaus? Bitter winters and oil drilling, apparently. North Dakota is now the happiest state in the US, LiveScience reports, having taken the crown that Hawaii has worn for the past four years. The 50th state crashed to eighth place, per Gallup's...

Stop Trying to &#39;Make Work Fun&#39;
 Stop Trying to 'Make Work Fun' 

Stop Trying to 'Make Work Fun'

Author: Attempting to impose happiness does more harm than good

(Newser) - The modern workplace is in the midst of what might be called a "Fun at Work" movement, and author Oliver Burkeman sincerely hopes it's a passing fad. If your company has a Chief Fun Officer or a Happiness Engineer, he pities you. Worse, companies might be doing more...

For a Better Life, Head to...
 For a Better Life, Head to... 

For a Better Life, Head to...

...Australia, once again

(Newser) - If you're in search of a "better life," consider moving to Australia, which is ranked atop the Better Life Index for the third year running . The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development compiles the annual list by looking at areas including the economy, income levels, health, safety,...

Crack a Smile: It's International Happiness Day

But watch out: Someone may be planning to give you a free hug

(Newser) - The UN has been pretty busy of late: Amid all its heavy boozing and business-class flying , it managed to name today the world's first International Day of Happiness. And, warning, some people around the globe are planning to observe it in a pretty in-your-face way, reports the New York ...

5th Straight Year: Hawaii Best for Well-Being

At the bottom: West Virginia

(Newser) - Seems Hawaii is still the place to be: It's now topped a Gallup-Healthways well-being poll for the past five years, USA Today reports. The survey evaluates overall well-being based on a series of questions on everything from physical health to job satisfaction. Over the past five years, Colorado, Minnesota,...

Happiness Can Bring You ... Money
 Happiness Can 
 Bring You ... Money 
study says

Happiness Can Bring You ... Money

Those who are happier at 18 tend to make more money at 30: study

(Newser) - As the saying goes, money can't buy you happiness. But it looks like the reverse is true: Researchers have found that those who are happiest as teens end up out-earning their peers by the time they are 30, making about 10% more than the average. But those who were...

Apes Suffer Midlife Misery, Too
 Victim: Apes 

Another Midlife-Crisis Victim: Apes

Slump in happiness mirrors that in humans

(Newser) - While you won't find them buying sports cars or having affairs with their biographers, apes are just as susceptible to midlife crises as their human counterparts, a new study claims. Researchers questioned the keepers of hundreds of captive orangutans and chimpanzees and found that just like with humans, the...

Keys to Longer Life: Puppy, Spouse

Finding love later in life still counts

(Newser) - The ticket to a longer life: happiness, reports the Daily Mail . In 1940, Harvard researchers reviewed 200 young, white, healthy men; they checked back in on that group every two years. They found that happiness (stemming from factors like marriage, puppies, and friendships) had more of an impact than social...

Chores Make Men Happier
 Chores Make  
 Men Happier 

Chores Make Men Happier

Men who help around the house have better sense of well-being: study

(Newser) - Researchers at Cambridge University may have just discovered the secret to happiness, at least for men: Do more chores. Men from seven European countries were found to have an improved sense of well-being and work-life balance, as well as less work-life conflict, if they helped more around the house, the...

Early Birds Happier Than Night Owls
 Early Birds 
 Happier Than 
 Night Owls 
in case you missed it

Early Birds Happier Than Night Owls

It's true regardless of age: study

(Newser) - Morning people, count yourselves lucky: New research shows you're happier, and feel healthier, than your night-owl peers—not just in the morning, but in general. People tend naturally to rise earlier as they get older, which might explain why older people tend to be happier, researchers say. Their study...

Actually, You Only Need $50K Per Year to Be Happy
Actually, You Only Need
$50K Per Year to Be Happy
study says

Actually, You Only Need $50K Per Year to Be Happy

New poll finds those who make less aren't as satisfied

(Newser) - Good news for those of you not quite making $75,000 per year : A new study finds that an annual income of just $50,000 is enough to inspire happiness. A previous study put the magic happiness number at $75,000, finding that even Americans making significantly more than that...

Pursue Happiness&mdash; Just Not Too Much
 Pursue Happiness— 
 Just Not Too Much 
in case you missed it

Pursue Happiness— Just Not Too Much

And don't pursue it too hard, either: studies

(Newser) - Happiness is a good thing … unless you have too much of it, in which case it can actually make you unhappy. If you're too happy, studies have shown, you may also be gullible, selfish, less creative, or less successful, the Washington Post reports. "Research indicates that very...

World&#39;s Happiest Country Is...
 World's Happiest Country Is... 

World's Happiest Country Is...

Denmark, and unhappiest is Togo: report

(Newser) - Bhutan measures the mood of its citizens in a national happiness index , and in an international meeting held at the UN yesterday and led by the country, it urged other nations to follow its lead. A report released for the meeting, taking into account polls from 2005 to 2011, ranks...

The Happiest US State Is ...

 The Happiest US 
 State Is ... 

in case you missed it

The Happiest US State Is ...

Hawaii wins again, followed by North Dakota and Minnesota

(Newser) - So people like sun and surf and swaying palm trees —who knew. For the third straight year, Hawaii has taken first place in a national poll of happiness among US states, LiveScience reports. The telephone survey of more than 350,000 adults posed questions about emotional health, work environment,...

Facebook Makes Us Feel Bad About Our Lives
Facebook Makes Us Feel
Bad About Our Lives

Facebook Makes Us Feel Bad About Our Lives

Those who use it more often think others are happier: study

(Newser) - One quick way to feel better about your life: Delete your Facebook account. Or, at the very least, spend less time on it. A new study suggests that the more you use Facebook, the more likely you are to believe that your friends are happier and lead better lives than...

Sex Keeps Seniors Happier
 Sex Keeps Seniors Happier 
study says

Sex Keeps Seniors Happier

Survey shows a big nookie factor

(Newser) - Researchers going over surveys of married couples aged 65 or older couldn't help but notice one potential secret to a happy life in retirement: sex. Scientific American highlights the contrast:
  • No sex: Of these married individuals, 40% were very happy with life in general and 60% were very happy

The Exact Income You Need To Be Happy Is...

 The Exact Income 
 You Need To Be 
 Happy Is... 

The Exact Income You Need To Be Happy Is...

$75K, assuming you've also got friends

(Newser) - How much money is enough money? Exactly $75,000, according to a new study. Economist Angus Deaton and Nobel prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman looked at data from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, and found that people reported becoming happier as their household income increased—until it hit $75,000. After that,...

Happy People 35% Less Likely to Die

 Happy People 
 Live Longer 
study says

Happy People Live Longer

Another study finds that positive feelings are associated with longevity

(Newser) - Want to avoid death? Get happy. A new study finds that subjects who reported feeling the most happy were 35% less likely to die than those who reported feeling the least happy, according to USA Today . Interestingly, the researchers didn’t ask participants to recall past feelings of happiness; rather,...

Money Beats Happiness
 Money Beats Happiness 
Study Says

Money Beats Happiness

Study finds people trade happiness for other benefits

(Newser) - Money cannot buy happiness, but most people would choose it anyway, says a new study of more than 2,600 people published in the American Economic Review . For example, if the choice is between a job that pays $80,000 a year and lets you get seven and a half...

Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is Single Woman: Survey

 The Unhappiest 
 White Collar 
 Worker Is... 
survey says

The Unhappiest White Collar Worker Is...

... a 42-year-old single woman earning less than $100K: survey

(Newser) - Who's the unhappiest white collar worker in the land? Apparently it's a woman, 42, unmarried, earning less than $100,000, and in a professional position like doctor or lawyer—or so says a new survey, Jezebel reports. The happiest? Male, 39, married, earning $150,000-$200,000, in senior...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>