movie industry

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Smith Is Hollywood's Moneymaking MVP

(Newser) - The Oscars indicate who Hollywood thinks deserves a statue, but if you want to know what insiders really think about stars, start talking money. Forbes did just that, asking industry vets to rank talent based on their ability to make a project pop, from early hype to DVD sales. Here...

Hollywood Gets Its Leading Lady Back

(Newser) - Julia Roberts is poised to step back into the spotlight with next month’s Duplicity, and Hollywood is hoping she can do again what none of her successors has been able to—pull boffo box office, the New York Times reports. “It’s just so clearly there,” said...

Movie Remake Sparks Intergenerational Catfight

'I might be mad if I looked like that now too,' Duff says

(Newser) - Faye Dunaway is less than thrilled about her Bonnie and Clyde successor—and Hilary Duff is fighting back. "Couldn't they have at least cast a real actress?" asked Dunaway, 68, star of the 1967 original. The 21-year-old Story of Bonnie and Clyde star got in a dig of her...

Critic's Confession: Seeing Oscar Movies Is a Big Pain

Getting to the theater a problem

(Newser) - There are 7 weeks left until the Oscars, and if you start now, and get to the theater every other day, you might just be able to see all the contenders. Hollywood has made being an Oscarphile tough work, writes David Carr of the New York Times. After months of...

Kidman to Play 1st Transexual
 Kidman to Play 1st Transexual 

Kidman to Play 1st Transexual

(Newser) - Nicole Kidman has landed the plum role of the world's first post-op transexual, and Charlize Theron will play her spouse, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Kidman will also produce The Danish Girl, which is based on David Ebershoff's novel. It tells a fictionalized version of the true story of artists...

YouTube in Talks to Show Full Movies

Could have service within 90 days

(Newser) - Full-length Hollywood movies will soon be streaming on YouTube, reports CNET. The site's parent company, Google, is in promising talks and could have offerings from at least one major studio online within a month. “It's going to happen,” said one executive with knowledge of the deal. “I...

Web Eats Hollywood's Hedge Against Recession

Free online content elbows out movies, TV as consumers trim expenses

(Newser) - The rise of free online content threatens to tarnish Hollywood's long-held belief that it is recession-proof, the Los Angeles Times reports. Tinseltown thrived in previous downturns, but with escapism now just a click of the mouse away, thrifty consumers are cutting cable subscriptions and movie tickets from their budgets.

Crisis, Schmisis: Wall Street Sequel Is on

Michael Douglas may be back as Gordon Gekko

(Newser) - Had enough of real-life Wall Street? Well, 20th Century fox has a sequel to the 1987 movie in the works, Variety reports. Michael Douglas hasn't officially signed on, but the story centers on his character, Gordon Gekko, as he gets out of prison. Charlie Sheen's Bud Fox won't make an...

Blind to Protest Blindness Flick

Activists claim it portrays blind as incapable

(Newser) - Blind people quarantined in a mental asylum, attacking each other, soiling themselves, and trading sex for food. Such a scenario, as shown in the movie Blindness, is not a clever allegory for a breakdown in society, says the president of the National Federation of the Blind. It plans to protest...

Disney Tailors Flick for Miley
 Disney Tailors Flick for Miley 

Disney Tailors Flick for Miley

Notebook author Sparks commissioned to write screenplay for film starring Cyrus

(Newser) - Disney has asked Nicholas Sparks, author of The Notebook and Message in a Bottle, to write a screenplay tailor-made to star Miley Cyrus in an attempt to sell the tween queen to a more adult audience, Variety reports.

Kidman Is Most Overpaid Actor
 Kidman Is Most Overpaid Actor 

Kidman Is Most Overpaid Actor

Ex-husband makes the list, too

(Newser) - With an ignominious 1:1 ratio of salary to receipts, Nicole Kidman snags the top spot on Forbes’ list of most overpaid movie stars. In other words, her films make a mere $1 for every dollar she’s paid, an average $15 million per flick. Ex-husband Tom Cruise is close...

Hollywood Movie Glut Wallops Indies
Movie Glut Wallops Indies

Hollywood Movie Glut Wallops Indies

Many go straight to DVD as too many films vie for screens

(Newser) - A surplus of Hollywood movies is forcing many independent films off the big screen, and driving down box office takes for those that do make it, reports the Wall Street Journal. Mainstream films with bankable stars are being sent straight-to-DVD, as too many movies fight for too few theater slots...

Summer Movies Smash Record
 Summer Movies Smash Record

Summer Movies Smash Record

Blockbusters boost studios to record-breaking sales

(Newser) - Hollywood studios are reeling in their highest-grossing summer ever, the Los Angeles Times reports. Domestic ticket sales stand at $3.9 billion, up from last year's record-breaking summer. A steady stream of smash hits—and higher ticket prices—accounted for the record take, more than making up for costly flops...

Jolie Takes Role Meant for Cruise

Spy thriller lead must undergo gender change

(Newser) - What Angelina Jolie wants, she gets. The actress is nearing a deal to play the lead in a spy thriller originally intended for Tom Cruise, Variety reports. The well-regarded script, Edwin A. Salt, is the story of a CIA agent on the run from espionage charges. Should Jolie seal the...

Ex-Bush Aide: Swing Vote Stole My Story

Talking head sues, saying he gave similar script to Grammer

(Newser) - An ex-Bush aide has sued Kevin Costner, Kelsey Grammer, and Disney, claiming the plot and marketing elements of the recently released movie Swing Vote were originally his, the AP reports. Bradley Blakeman, now a TV commentator, says in a federal lawsuit that he gave Grammer a screenplay that the Frasier...

MTV to Remake Rocky Horror
 MTV to Remake Rocky Horror 

MTV to Remake Rocky Horror

May add new tunes to cult classic

(Newser) - MTV will remake the 1975 cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Variety reports. Lou Adler, the executive producer of the original film, will stick to the original screenplay, but the new rendition may include additional songs. There’ve been no casting or directing decisions yet, but Adler wants to...

Paramount Loses $450M Funding Deal

The failure is part of a larger trend as liquidity dries up

(Newser) - A $450-million deal with Deutsche Bank that would have financed up to 30 films for Paramount is off the table, the Financial Times  reports. Perhaps an unlikely casualty of the credit crunch, Paramount walked after a lack of enthusiasm in the market led to terms that were unattractive, persons familiar...

Dark Days Ahead for Little Movies
 Dark Days Ahead
 for Little Movies 

Dark Days Ahead for Little Movies

Big money has bankrolled some bad small films lately; now it's pulling back

(Newser) - This has been a banner year for Hollywood blockbusters, but things look dour for explosion-free cinema, David Carr writes in the New York Times reports. Small movies have flooded multiplexes, choking each other out—a sign, producer Mark Gill says, of big-money backing meeting the ease of digital film-making. The...

Documentaries: Box Office Wimps

Even with critical acclaim, they can't draw decent audiences

(Newser) - Although big-name documentaries such as An Inconvenient Truth and Sicko have raised the genre's profile, recent ones just aren't pulling in audiences, the Los Angeles Times reports. The critically acclaimed steroid film Bigger, Stronger, Faster has grossed only $164,000 since its release three weeks ago, and the Oscar-winning Taxi ...

LiLo at Work: 'So Far, So Good'

Producers surprised by actress' professionalism, talent

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan is back at work on the set of the comedy Labor Pains, and after a week, the movie's producers are impressed with her skill and professionalism. "We were a little bit reluctant to work with her," producer Lati Grobman tells People. "But she's been amazing....

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