
7 Stories

Hunter Killed on Sunday by Elk He Shot Saturday
He Shot the Elk on Saturday.
It Killed Him the Next Day

He Shot the Elk on Saturday. It Killed Him the Next Day

Mark David was bow hunting on private land near Tillamook

(Newser) - An Oregon man managed to hit a bull elk while archery hunting last Saturday—and in a terrible twist, be killed by the animal the following day. The Statesman Journal reports Mark David, 66, was on private land near Tillamook when he shot the elk, but darkness set in before...

Paul Ryan's Secret Service Code Name Is...


(Newser) - Paul Ryan now has a Secret Service code name: "Bowhunter." GQ revealed that little nugget today, pointing out that the name makes sense, since Ryan is indeed an avid archer and hunter—he'll even grace the cover of next month's Deer and Deer Hunting magazine. Of...

Confused Fans Turned Away in Archery Debacle
Confused Fans Turned Away in Archery Debacle

Confused Fans Turned Away in Archery Debacle

So no one got to watch Im Dong-hyun set a new world record

(Newser) - Legally blind archer Im Dong-hyun set a world record in the first official London-based Olympic event today, but the hundreds of people who turned up to watch didn't get to see it. The event was just an initial rankings round, intended to seed teams for the full competition, and...

Favorite to Win Archery Gold Is Legally Blind

Target colors blend together for Im Dong-Hyun

(Newser) - Katniss Everdeen has nothing on this archer: South Korea's Im Dong-Hyun already has two Olympic golds under his belt, and he's been tapped as a favorite to win another in London, despite the fact that he's legally blind, reports the Telegraph . The 26-year-old has 20/200 vision in...

New Yorker Felled by Arrow in Mystery Attack

'They shot me with an arrow,' screamed the woman in bizarre attack

(Newser) - A Yonkers woman was shot in the stomach yesterday by an arrow from a mystery assailant, reports the New York Daily News. She was struck as she dropped off churchgoers at a Bronx nursing home. "They shot me with an arrow," she screamed as she clutched the 30-inch...

Archery's Terrifying Secret
 Archery's Terrifying Secret

Archery's Terrifying Secret

Experts can't even say the name of biggest fear: target panic

(Newser) - The greatest fear of elite archers is something called "target panic"—an affliction that keeps some from releasing their bow, and causes others to shoot wildly as soon as the bull's-eye comes into sight. Many archers won't even say the words, although the condition has at some time...

Indian Athletes Aim for Gold on Billionaire's Buck

Trust seeks to boost Indian medal count

(Newser) - Young Indians are training for this summer’s Olympics with the backing of a London-based billionaire steel magnate, the Wall Street Journal reports. Lakshmi Mittal was dismayed by India’s poor showing at Athens in 2004—where the burgeoning superpower earned only a single silver, while archrival China won 32...

7 Stories