Fourth of July

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Palin Ducks Media Glare on Day After

One senator is 'deeply disappointed' that guv will 'abandon State'

(Newser) - The day after announcing her resignation, Sarah Palin lay so low that even a spokesman couldn't name her whereabouts, the AP reports. Alaska's governor wasn't at the Capitol building or the governor's mansion. Spokesman David Murrow said Palin had plans to visit Juneau, the state capital, to celebrate the 4th...

How Other Countries Party on Their July 4

(Newser) - Americans chow down on hot dogs and embrace their inner pyromaniac on July 4—but what about everyone else? William Sertl of Gourmet looks at national days from around the globe...and the eats that accompany them.
  • Australia Day (Jan. 26) Beer, grilled fish, shucked oysters, and chipotle pork cheeseburgers

Dick Cavett: Fireworks Way Better in the Good Ol' Days

(Newser) - Talk show legend Dick Cavett didn’t just like fireworks as a kid. “I loved them,” he writes in the New York Times. Not the pro displays, and definitely not “the despised ‘safe & sane’ fountains, sprinklers and snakes” that “girls and sissies liked.”...

Liberty's Crown Reopens
 Liberty's Crown Reopens 

Liberty's Crown Reopens

(Newser) - The Statue of Liberty's crown reopened to the public today for the first time since the 9/11 attacks, reports the Daily News. The first people allowed up were seven US servicemen who took the oath to become citizens. Those interested in ascending the narrow staircase to the top better be...

MLB Fetes Gehrig's 'Luckiest Man' Speech at 70

(Newser) - Major League Baseball will honor the 70th anniversary of Lou Gehrig’s “luckiest man” retirement speech tomorrow, part of a campaign against the disease that now bears his name, the Newark Star-Ledger reports. “It’s one of the great moments in American sports and, arguably, American popular culture,...

Fireworks? Bah, Humbug!
 Fireworks? Bah, Humbug! 

Fireworks? Bah, Humbug!

(Newser) - Looking forward to the Fourth of July fireworks? You’re probably a moron, writes Troy Patterson of Slate. Look, it’s fine if you want to use a Roman candle at the family cookout: “Doing dangerous stuff in your cousin’s backyard is an important element of American culture....

Brits Find Rare Copy of Declaration of Independence

(Newser) - An original print of the Declaration of Independence has been discovered stashed away in the British National Archives in West London, the Daily Mail reports. One of 26 known surviving copies from the document’s initial print run, it's thought to be worth more than $8 million. The archive doesn’...

Cash-Strapped Cities Ditch Fireworks

(Newser) - Some 50 US cities are so strapped for money that they're ditching their July 4th fireworks displays, reports the Los Angeles Times. "It came down to this: Did we want to spend $150,000 on something that would be over in a few hours?" asked the mayor of a...

US Rescinds Party Invite to Iran Envoys

(Newser) - No fireworks for you, Iranian diplomats. The State Department today rescinded an invitation to Iran's envoys to attend Fourth of July celebrations at US embassies around the world, reports the Washington Times. Hillary Clinton notified her underlings that "circumstances have changed" and cited Tehran's "unjust actions." At...

Recession Puts Damper on July 4th Fireworks

Towns plan cheaper festivities—or none at all

(Newser) - With times tight, many US towns are toning down their Independence Day festivities, the Washington Times reports. Rather than deal with the cost of pyrotechnics, police overtime, and even liability insurance, municipalities are scaling back on the big bangs and even switching to simpler ideas such as poetry contests, dog...

Parade Mocks Pregnancy Pact
 Parade Mocks Pregnancy Pact  

Parade Mocks Pregnancy Pact

Float in neighboring town sparks charge of 'class war'

(Newser) - The Gloucester, Mass., teen pregnancy pact is a sensitive matter, which apparently made it fair game for the Fourth of July "Horribles" parade in an upscale neighboring town, the Boston Herald reports. One float in the Beverly Farms procession raucously mocked the situation in blue-collar Gloucester with a giant...

Bush Edits Jefferson on Religion
 Bush Edits Jefferson on Religion

Bush Edits Jefferson on Religion

President leaves out phrase condemning 'monkish ignorance'

(Newser) - Thomas Jefferson may be a founding father, but that doesn’t stop President Bush’s speechwriters from editing his words as they see fit, Ed Brayton writes on his blog, Dispatches from the Culture Wars. In a July 4 speech, Bush recited a famous Jefferson quote on “the blessings...

Black, Red, White &amp; Blue
Black, Red, White & Blue 

Black, Red, White & Blue

Obama's patriotism questioned at historic moment

(Newser) - For black Americans, patriotism is a complex sentiment, but "complicated relationships tend to be the deepest and strongest," writes Eugene Robinson in the Washington Post. Barack Obama’s candidacy shows how far we've come, but "it is not common, in my experience, for sitting US senators to...

Hot Dog! Duo Shoots for Title Tomorrow

With Kobayashi's power waning, East Village pair eyes Nathan's prize

(Newser) - With Takeru Kobayashi’s hot-dog hegemony in doubt at tomorrow's Coney Island throwdown, the Village Voice accompanies a pair of contenders as they train for the event. Roommates Crazy Legs Conti and Tim Janus hit an all-you-can-eat sushi bar in preparation for Nathan's July 4th institution, the 10-minute contest described...

Vietnam Vets in Hog Heaven
 Vietnam Vets in Hog Heaven 

Vietnam Vets in Hog Heaven

Rolling Thunder roars into DC to honor vets

(Newser) - Thousands of Harleys roared past Washington's Vietnam Veterans Memorial yesterday in what has become a Memorial Day weekend tradition: the "iron salute" of members of national veterans organization Rolling Thunder.  It's a festival of engines, leather, denim and patriotism, reports the Washington Post.

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